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  1. 《新华字典》是中国最权威的小型现代汉语规范字典,取得了很高的成就。

    Xinhua Dictionary , most authoritative standard modern Chinese Dictionary , is a great success .

  2. 玉中觅瑕&《现代汉语规范字典》学习札记

    Finding flaws in the piece of jade notes on reading The Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary

  3. 〕《现代汉语规范字典》因其丰厚的实绩,成为现代汉字方面最具权威性的工具书之一。

    Because of its great achievements , The Modern Chinese Standard Dictionary has become one of the most authoritative reference books .

  4. 摘要《新华字典》是中国最权威的小型现代汉语规范字典,取得了很高的成就。但字典部分释文存在有重复、歧义、循环论证、举例失当等问题。

    Xinhua dictionary , most authoritative standard modern Chinese dictionary , is a great success . however , faults can be found in some aspects , such as repetitions , ambiguity , circular arguments and improper examples .