
mí fèi
  • waste;spend extravagantly
靡费 [mí fèi]
  • [waste] 奢侈浪费;过度地消耗费用

  • 除多支靡费外,也似无甚裨益。--清. 伊湛纳希《一层楼》

靡费[mí fèi]
  1. 这场耗资靡费的自相残杀将进一步削弱美国的世界超级大国地位,敌人们该幸灾乐祸了。

    The cost of MiFei kill each other will further weaken the American superpower status , the troubled enemies .

  2. 从农业社会到工业社会,消费的含义经历了从靡费、浪费的贬义到耗费的中性含义的改变。

    From an agricultural society to industrial society , the meaning of consumption changed from " waste " to " cost " .

  3. 但是林正章说这是一个正在衰退行业,由于经济的不景气和现代人简洁的品味使许多人不再举办奢华靡费的传统葬礼。

    But it 's a business in decline , says Lin Zhenzhang , as the economic downturn and simpler modern tastes turn people away from lavish traditional funerals ,
