
  • 网络variant forms of the same word;homophone;variant;variant form
  1. 从《汉语水平词汇与汉字等级大纲》看对外汉语词汇教学中的异形词问题

    From the Chinese Words and Characters of Foreign Language Syllabus Look in Issues of the Variant Forms of the Same Word at Vocabulary Teaching

  2. 关于汉语多音节异形词的几个问题

    Some Problems of the Varied Written Forms of the Chinese Word

  3. 异形词的界定及其与同义词的区别

    The Definition of Heterograph and the Difference between Heterograph and Synonym

  4. 偏旁异形词的演变及其规范

    Development and Standardization of Word Variants with Character Component Variation

  5. 汉语同音异形词意义识别中的抑制过程

    Inhibitory processes in the recognition of homophone meanings in Chinese

  6. 系统性原则在异形词规范中的应用

    The Application of Systematic Rules in Standardized Variant Words

  7. 现代汉语异形词的整理与规范

    Sifting and Standardizing of Modern Chinese Variants

  8. 异形词的规范和辞书编纂

    The Standardization of Homographs and Lexicographical Compilation

  9. 异形词的语用值即标示值分析

    On the Analysis of the Applied Value ( Marked Value ) Related to the Word with Variant Forms

  10. 异形词是有若干书写形式的一个词,同义词是意义相同的若干个词。

    Variant word refers to a word which has different spellings whereas synonyms are words which have same meaning .

  11. 实际上,广告中的双关语有很多形式,并没有统一的分类标准。有些人把双关语分为同音异形词、同音同形异义词、同形异义词。

    In fact , a pun takes several forms in advertisements and there is no unified standard for the classification .

  12. 咳嗽变异型哮喘异形词规范中不容轻视的一种潜规则&偏旁同化

    Cough variant asthma Assimilation of Character Components : An Important Potential Principle in the Standardization of Variant Form of Chinese Vocabulary

  13. 异形词与同义词的区别既要考虑词义的因素,也要考虑结构的因素,还要考虑语音的因素。

    We should take the meaning , structure and the phonetic form into consideration when we distinguish the heterograph and the synonym .

  14. 再论异形词规范的俗成性原则&谈异形词规范中的三个问题

    A Further Consideration on the Conventional Principle for the Standardization of Homophones : On the Three Aspects in the Standardization of Homophones

  15. 而我们认为,要弄清楚异形词的定义,最主要的是要弄清楚异形词和同义词的区别。

    It is the most important to acknowledge the difference between variant word and synonym in order to the definition of variant word .

  16. 偏旁异形词的规范研究在整个异形词的规范研究中占有非常重要的地位。

    The research of the standardization of such word variants is an important branch in the study of the standardization of word variation .

  17. 高考语文卷异形词应用失误探因

    Discussion on the Reason of A Wrong Usage of the Word without Fixed Shapes in the National Chinese Paper ⅱ of College Examination

  18. 偏旁异形词是现代汉语异形词的一种基本类型,约占异形词总量的14。

    Word variants with character component variation is a basic type of word variation in Chinese , occupying about 25 % of the total .

  19. 《现代汉语异形词规范词典》和《现代汉语词典》(第五版),都是我国规范现代汉语词汇的顶级权威词典。

    Both Standardized Variant Forms Dictionary of Modern Chinese and Modern Chinese Dictionary ( the5th Edition ) serve the purpose of setting a standard for Chinese vocabulary .

  20. 比较研究它们推荐的异形词使用词形,对它们有争议的推荐词形提出处理意见,以便进一步规范异形词。

    To further regulate the Profiled words , this paper makes comparative studies on the contour of Profiled words and controversial words recommended in these two dictionaries .

  21. 我们可以通过关联理论来理解英语幽默,还可以从拼写、同音异形词、一词多义、习惯用法、谐音双关、词语搭配等六个方面利用英语幽默来学习英语。

    We may understand English humor by relevance theory and learn English through English humor from the six aspects of spelling , homophony , polysemy , pun and collocation .

  22. 异形词的规范是当前现代汉语语言文字规范的重要任务之一,近年来特别受到人们的关注。

    The standardization of homographs is one of the most important tasks in the standardization of Chinese language and character , which is paid special attention in recent years .

  23. 建议在语料库中对异形词采用“通用词”进行标注,既避免“噪音”和漏检,又能解决字形不够用的问题,对相关研究具有重要意义。

    It is suggested that mark the general word on the different word in the expert-corpus , to avoid the noise and leakiness , and to resolve the problem that the character-form uses insufficiently .

  24. 现代汉语异形词问题的研究,是贯彻《国家通用语言文字法》,实现语言文字规范化的一项重要而紧迫的工作。

    The research of variants of modern Chinese is an important and urgent work in carrying out " The Law of Chinese Current Spoken and Written Language " and realizing the standardization of spoken and written language .

  25. 英语同音异形异义词的研究与应用

    Study and application of English homophones