
  • 网络word choice;character selection
  1. 选字多为常用字,注重实用。

    Chooses the character many is the frequently used character , the attention is practical .

  2. 第一级,使用传统的外围特征法和投影变换系数法将待选字进行粗分。

    In the first level , it used the tradition periphery characteristic to class approximately .

  3. 就单音节字词测试项而言,存在以下几个方面的问题:在选字上存在难和偏的问题;

    As far as the uni-syllable test in Putonghua test , there are at least four problems , i.

  4. 本段文章讨论流行歌曲的录制,其中用词选字有多处明显失当。

    The foregoing paragraph , which analyzes the recording of a popular song , is an example of poor word choices .

  5. 整个系统分为两级,第一级进行粗分类,选取前两个后选字。

    The whole system is divided into two cascades . The first step , rough classification is to select the first two candidates .

  6. 具体从对外汉字教材的整体内容选取的各个方面,即从选字、课文编写、练习编写及汉字知识这些角度来详细讨论每个步骤的编写过程中应遵循的原则。

    This paper discusses the compiling and writing principals of Chinese character textbook in detail . It starts from various aspects of content selection , such as character selection , text and exercise compiling , knowledge of characters and so on .

  7. 同时着重从翻译学、语言学、社会学等方面探讨了选字的美学策略,如利用选字使译名既表音又表意、体现男女性别,以及避免使用贬义字、合乎约定俗成的翻译习惯等等。

    Then put forward the aesthetic strategy on linguistics , translation and sociology aspect , such as , choosing characters that can express both pronunciation and meaning of a name and indicate the sex of a name , avoiding using derogatory characters , according with the translation custom .

  8. 如果让我用一个单词来界定中国社会,我会选这个字。

    If I were given only one word to capture Chinese society , gu ǎ n would be it .

  9. 论文围绕着选这个字展开,通过从权力、消费、视觉、狂欢这些方面来具体细读其背后的文化意蕴,挖掘其隐藏的社会人文意义。

    This paper is surrounded and outspread from the word of " selecting " . Through the aspects of power , consumption , vision , spree , the aim of idiographic analysis on the deeply culture implication is to excavating the connotative society humanism significance .

  10. 在这里明明是葛妮丝选了个怪字。

    And Gwyneth here has obviously done something weird here .

  11. 请点选以下的绿色字,您就能获得健康的秘诀。

    Please click on the green words and you will come by the secrets of health .