
  1. 我认为你应该给这个字加上括弧。

    I think you should bracket this word .

  2. 以加筋板模型为研究对象,建立了平板、井字加筋板、十字加筋板三种模型。

    Three different models of plate were created including a flat plate model and two stiffened-plate models .

  3. 方法对2002年10月至2005年1月行双8字加荷包缝合术处理十二指肠残端38例患者的临床资料进行回顾性分析。

    Methods From October 2002 to January 2005 , 38 cases of duodenal stump were treated by the operation of double " 8 " figures add pouched suture .

  4. 重新设计了词典机制和查询算法,我们采用了双字HASH加逐字二分的词典机制,综合利用网络文本和搜索提交的关键词来识别新词,并对网页信息抽取做了论述。

    Redesign the dictionary mechanism and query algorithms , the double-character-hash-indexing and verbatim dichotomy segmentation dictionary mechanisms is proposed in this thesis . we use web page characteristic and submitted keywords to recognitions new word .

  5. 再一个字也加不进来了。

    There is no room to put in a single additional word .

  6. 太:人们将“大”字下面加一横构成了“太”这个表示最高级意思的词。

    By underscoring " big " with a line man came up with a superlative character meaning too much or over the limit .

  7. 我国《刑法》对“直接性期货犯罪”罪名的设置,采取了与证券犯罪合并规定的方式,即在相应条文“证券”二字后面加上“期货”二字。

    The current provisions of PRC criminal law in relation to futures crimes are simply covered by those of securities crimes , which are fairly unreasonable .

  8. 它们的目标是帮助您容易找到需要的字,加上一点格式,但是忽视了插入机器可读数据的问题。

    They try to make it easy to get the words you want , with a bit of formatting , but they ignore issues of inserting machine-readable data .

  9. 花饰字:加上装饰的标准斜体英文大写字母;作装饰用。花饰大写,通常配合斜体小写使用。

    Swash letter : A florid version of standard italic capital letters , usually used for ornamentation . Swash capitals are often used with italic lower case letters .

  10. 将复杂的过程归纳为六种概率事件,将系统的差错率分为误字、漏字和加字率,使其和正确传输概率严格区分开来;

    The error probability of the system is derided into an error word rate , a leakage word rate and an added word rate which are strictly differentiated from the proper transmission probability .

  11. 所括住的字之间不加空格,但与括弧外前后的字留一个半形空格。

    There should be no spaces between the words inside the parentheses and the parentheses themselves .

  12. 丝线环形及8字内固定加双圈缝扎治疗髌骨骨折

    Thick suture fixation in circle and 8 shape combined with double circular suturing for the treatment of patellar fracture

  13. 穿线字体:字体设计的一种。它在字干间加白线,穿过笔划。

    Inline letters : A class of type designs in which a white line cut through the strokes of characters .

  14. 前言:目的:探讨“8”字张力带加钢丝环扎治疗粉碎性髌骨骨折的临床疗效。

    Objective To explore the clinical effect of " 8 " tension band and circle wire in treating comminuted patella fracture .

  15. 目的:探讨采用粗丝线环形及8字内固定加双圈缝扎治疗髌骨骨折的临床疗效。

    Objective : To explore the therapeutic effects of thick suture fixation in circle and 8 shape combined with double circular suturing for the treatment of patellar fracture .

  16. 我知道怎样加下划线,怎样写粗体或斜体字,怎样加边框,怎样插入插图等等。

    I know how to underline , how to write words in bold or italic script , how to give parts of a text a border , how to insert illustrations and so on !

  17. 英式英语,缩写字后方,不用加一点。

    We usually write abbreviations without full stops in British English .

  18. 你看这个字,木字旁边加一个石。

    This word is composed of the parts " wood " and " stone " .

  19. 嫁:这个字是由“”字加上“”字构成,表示一个女子结婚成家。

    This character , derived by adding home () to woman (), provides an incentive for a girl to marry .

  20. 大量形声字是在原字上加注意符而形成的,加注意符是为了分化原字的记词职能,提高汉字表义的区别度。

    A large number of phonograms are made of original Character with sentimental symbol for differentiating original Character 's sense and improving distinction of Character 's meaning .

  21. 乙:最初七个字两美元三十八美分,每加一个字加三十四美分。

    B : two dollars and thirty-eight cents for the first seven words and34 cents for each additional word .

  22. 由于汉字字符集字量大、相似字多,加上手写体的变形,使得脱机手写体汉字识别成为目前文字识别领域最困难的问题之一。

    But it is very difficult in the characters recognition system because of the big Chinese characters set , many similar characters and distortion in the handwritten Chinese characters .