
zì duàn
  • field;syllable
字段[zì duàn]
  1. 为新安装的系统设置根密码(SystemSecurity字段)。

    Set the root password for the new installed system ( System Security field ) .

  2. 清单的第一个type字段非常重要。

    The first type field of the listing is important .

  3. 名、姓和地址要各自编成单独的字段。

    You will need to create separate fields for first name , surname and address .

  4. 此外,key字段指定重复元素。

    In addition , the key field specifies repetition elements .

  5. 每个get操作都将更新get消息选项的组状态字段。

    Each get updates the group status field of the get message options .

  6. 查看time字段。

    Check the time field .

  7. 输入字段值,并单击Order。

    Enter the field values and click Order .

  8. type字段上面的@Attribute注解将该字段识别为属性。

    The @ Attribute annotation above the type field identifies that field as an attribute .

  9. Activity类型字段是一个下拉列表。

    The Activity type field is a drop-down list .

  10. 让其余字段保留原样,然后单击Next。

    Leave the remaining fields as they are , and click Next .

  11. 不要映射Key字段。

    Don 't map the Key field .

  12. 访问这个字段,点击StandardFields字段。

    To access this field , click in the Standard Fields field .

  13. 指定文件,完成所需的字段,然后单击Next。

    Specify the file , complete the required fields , and click Next .

  14. 因此保留Selectevent字段的默认值。

    So leave the Select event field with its default value .

  15. name字段用于显示的目的。

    The name field is for display purposes .

  16. list属性指定一个输入字段的

    The list attribute specifies an input field 's < datalist > .

  17. Contact类将包含name和phone作为其成员字段。

    The Contact class will contain name and phone as its member fields .

  18. 它也是一个必需字段(required=“true”)。

    It is also a required field ( required = " true ") .

  19. 一个特殊的字段叫做routingkey。

    A special field called routing key .

  20. 它还展示了如何测试这两个字段(FirstName和LastName)的惟一性。

    It also demonstrates how to test two fields for uniqueness ( First Name and Last Name ) .

  21. 在这个新配置的Main选项卡中,应该可以看到一个Project字段和一个Mainclass字段。

    In the Main tab for this new configuration , you should see a Project field and a Main class field .

  22. 请注意,惟一的必填字段是带星号()的字段和InstanceName。

    Note that the only mandatory fields are those starred () and the Instance Name .

  23. 对于每个字段来说,该模式应用了一个category。

    For each field , the schema applies a category .

  24. 此外,我们还希望指定其中包含实际订单,因此单击Structure字段旁边的加号。

    We also want to specify that it contains an actual order , so we click on the plus sign next to the Structure field .

  25. 编辑默认启动活动:在StartupField字段中选择Manual然后单击Next

    Edit the default startup behavior : select Manual in the Startup Field then click Next

  26. 类别(c)表达式字段,工具支持以下新的属性字段

    Category ( c ) expression field , which has the following new property field support in the tooling

  27. 当您填充所有可利用字段后,点击OK。

    When you have populated all available fields , click OK .

  28. 用TOTAL命令只能按单关键字段进行分类汇总,不能按多关键字段进行分类汇总;

    By using TOTAL command classifying and collecting can only be done on single keywords , not on multiple keywords ;

  29. 返回来,employee模型将绑定到表单字段。

    The employee model is bound in return to the form fields .

  30. 例如,F不能生成静态只读字段。

    For example , F # does not generate static read-only fields .