
  • 网络Crystal head;amp;vcom
  1. 专业水晶头压剥剪工具

    Professional Modular Crimps , Strips & Cuts Tools

  2. 探究了百兆网线的工作原理,根据原理提出了用同一根双绞线接两个水晶头当作两根四芯网线使用的方法,并用它解决了图书馆局域网的实际问题。

    The operating principles of 100M Ethernet lines were studied . According to these principles using the same UTP put a method forward connected with the next two crystal UTP as the four core lines , and it can be used to solve the library LAN practical problems .

  3. 那个算命师有个水晶球,而且头戴宝石王冠。

    The fortuneteller had a crystal ball and wore a crown of jewels .

  4. 在活物的头上,有相似穹苍的东西,好像发亮的水晶,在它们头上展开。

    And over the heads of the living creatures was the likeness of the firmament , as the appearance of crystal terrible to behold , and stretched out over their heads above .