
  • 网络horizontal component
  1. 如果所讨论的质量是一摆锤,则重要的是F的水平分量。

    If the mass in question is a plumb bob , the horizontal component of F is important .

  2. 小偏移距时,P波主要呈现在压强及垂直分量上,SV波则主要分布在水平分量上,波场呈分离状态。

    · In short offset case , P wave mainly occurs in the pressure component and the vertical component while SV wave exists in the horizontal component . Their wave fields are separate .

  3. 水平分量磁变仪标度值随记录n变化率的测定及应用

    Determination and application of the variational rate kN of scale values s of horizontal-component variometers with record n

  4. 主要处理过程包括:水平分量x,y的合成(H);

    The processing procedure includes the following steps : . synthesise horizontal components x and y into H ;

  5. 选择适宜的标度值(C/M)、选取适当的入射角α0、选择适当的记录距离R是改善水平分量磁变仪记录状态的主要途径。文中对比作了具体分析。

    Principal ways are as follows : suitable scale values ( C / M ), incident angle α _0 and distance R.

  6. 本文基于GPS网环闭合差三维坐标分量限值相等的前提,从理论上推证出水平分量限值和垂直分量限值的确切比例关系;

    Based on equal limit value of 3-D coordinate component , this paper derives the definite relation formula for horizontal component or vertical one .

  7. 在青藏高原周缘地区和中国西部的大范围内,压应力P轴水平分量方位位于20~40°,形成了近NE方向的挤压应力场。

    Azimuths of the horizontal component of compressive stress P-axes likely lie between 20 ° and 40 °, forming a nearly NE-directed stress field in the wide region west of the North-South Seismic Belt .

  8. 首先采用能量最大法对水平分量检波器重新定位,获得P-SV波和SH波剖面;

    Firstly , the horizontal component geophone was relocated by using the maximum energy method to obtain the P-SV and P-SH wave sections .

  9. 地面重锤横向敲击枕木激发的水平分量的SH型横波数据信噪比较高,其垂直分量纵波初至的信噪比不高;

    The S / N ratio in SH-wave data of horizontal components shooting by hammer on the surface hammering at sleeper laterally is higher , but S / N ratio of the first breaks of P-wave in vertical components is not high ;

  10. 考虑到转换波处理的特殊性,在处理时特别注意了共转换点(CCP)道集的生成、水平分量方位角旋转等主要环节,从而得到了较好的转换波剖面。

    Having considered the particularity in converted-wave processing we pay much attention to main links such as the generation of CCP trace gather , the azimuth angle rotation of horizontal component etc. , and better converted-wave profiles have been obtained .

  11. 大气电场较强的区域主要在20km以下的低层大气区,其垂直分量比水平分量大4个数量级。

    The region with strong electric field is mainly in the lower atmosphere with altitudes below 20km , where the vertical components are 4-orders of magnitude larger than the horizontal components .

  12. 我以一定的,初速度,向上扔-,称之为v0,无所谓-,水平分量不会改变。

    I throw it up with a certain v initial speed , v call it v0 , I don 't care and the horizontal component would never change .

  13. 传到建筑物的振动以20Hz以内的低频振动为主,且垂直分量振动幅度高于水平分量。

    The vibration in vertical weight attenuates more slowly than in horizontal weight , and the amplitude in vertical weight is higher than in horizontal weight .

  14. 将北京地区地球变化磁场的水平分量作为一无规时间序列,利用谱分析方法求出了195919651970和1976年时间段的分数维布朗运动(FBM)的维数Db。

    It regarded the horizontal component of the earth 's magnetic field observed in Beijing as a random time series , the FBM fractal dimension Db of the time series in 1959 , 1965,1970 and 1976 was obtained by use of spectra analysis .

  15. 从喜马拉雅到贝加尔湖以南包括中国西部的广大范围内,主压应力P轴的水平分量位于近NE-SW方向,形成了一个广域的NE-SW方向的挤压应力场。

    The horizontal components of the principal compressional stress P axes are oriented in a nearly NE - SW direction , forming a wide NE-SW compressional stress field in a wide areal extent from the Himalayas to south of Baikal Lake , including western China .

  16. 基准网与基本网各年观测结果得到的网内点位精度、水平分量精度平均为2mm左右,高程分量精度平均为5mm左右,由两期观测得到的水平位移分量的精度平均为3mm左右。

    In average the accuracy of the results for each year is about 2 mm in the horizontal components and 5 mm in the vertical component , and the average accuracy of horizontal displacements at a station is about 3 mm .

  17. 本文通过分析一组实测的三分量VSP记录,讨论了利用波的偏振性质确定井下三分量检波器水平分量方位的精度问题,并给出了一种效果较好的处理步骤。

    By the examination of a set of three-components VSP data recorded in the field , the accuracy of the determination of the horizontal component orientation of the tri-axial borehole geophones by using the polarities of waves was deliberated and a better practical procedure for data processing was given .

  18. 双悬线平衡法测量地磁水平分量

    " Bifilar balance method " measuring the horizontal component of geomagnetism

  19. 水平分量磁变仪基线值漂移的初探

    Tentative quest for the drift of base-line values of horizontal-component variometers

  20. 磁性源瞬变电磁场水平分量响应特征及应用

    Horizontal Components Response and Its Application of Magnetic Sources Transient Electromagnetic Method

  21. 一种新颖的地磁场水平分量测量法

    A new method of surveying terrestrial magnetic field horizontal component

  22. 渤海三维多分量地震勘探水平分量方位校正

    Orientation correction of horizontal components for 3-D multi-component seismic exploration in Bohai Bay

  23. 地震动加速度反应谱竖向分量与水平分量的比值

    The ratios of vertical to horizontal acceleration response spectra

  24. 固体潮水平分量振幅因子异常多维分析系统

    Multidimensional analysis system on amplitude factor anomalies of horizontal component of earth tide

  25. 用数字冲击电流计测地磁场水平分量

    Measuring level branching quantity of the earth 's magnetic field with digital quantometer

  26. 没有水平分量,对吗?

    It has no horizontal component , all right ?

  27. 高斯法测量地磁场水平分量的改进

    Improvement of measuring horizontal component with Gaussian processes

  28. 基于地磁水平分量序列的磁暴自动识别

    Recognition of magnetic storms at the early stage with the horizontal component of geomagnetism

  29. 频率域电磁测深中磁场水平分量新的计算方法

    A new method to calculate horizontal magnetic elements in the electromagnetic sounding of frequency domain

  30. 提高水平分量磁变仪定向稳定性及记录线性的新布局实验

    Experiment about new layout of magnetic variometer