
  1. 水晕墨章&谈山水画的用水

    Faint traces of water in Washing-drawing & Exploring the methods of using water in Landscape

  2. 随类赋彩水晕墨章&论中国画的色彩观

    To Colour with Given Categories and to Make the Painting Water and Ink Halo & On the colour value in Chinese paintings

  3. 第一部分:对水晕墨章,兴吾唐代的论断进行初步的解读,使人们对水晕墨章的概念以及水晕墨章兴盛的客观条件有所了解;

    Chapter One : begins with an initial interpretation of Ink and wash prevailed in Tang Dynasty , so that we can have an understanding of the definition and objective condition of the flourishing Inkwash painting in Tang Dynasty .