
  • 网络Resolution;horizontal resolution;dpi
  1. 水平分辨率对DEM流域特征提取的影响

    Effect of Horizontal Resolution on the Watershed Features Derived from DEM

  2. 栅格DEM的水平分辨率对地形信息的影响分析

    Effect of Horizontal Resolution of Raster DEM on Landform Information

  3. 栅格DEM的尺度与水平分辨率对流域特征提取的分析&以黄土岭流域为例

    Analysis of Scale and Horizontal Resolution of Raster DEM on Extracted Drainage Basin in Characteristics

  4. VSP和常规地震剖面的水平分辨率

    The horizontal resolutions of t ? E VSP and conventional seism C sections

  5. 通过分析比较,得出DEM水平分辨率对提取的地形特征及水文特征的影响,为马莲河流域的数字地形分析提供了理论依据。

    The effect of DEM horizontal accuracy toward character of terrain and hydrological have been concluded based on analyzing and comparing .

  6. DEM水平分辨率作为重要的尺度参数,是确定地形参数和应用尺度的重要指标。

    As an important dimension parameter DEM grid resolution ( horizontal resolution ) plays a key role in determination of terrain parameters and application of scale .

  7. 仿真结果表明:FPGA设计的控制电路,能够在阵列型彩色平板显示器件上实现超分辨率显示,水平分辨率由原来的384提高到1152。

    The results indicate that the realization of this technique on color array display panel can be obtained by FPGA device easily , improving the horizontal resolution from 384 to 1 152 .

  8. 本文主要探讨了在不同DEM分辨率下两种地貌类型区地形湿度指数的尺度效应,以及由于DEM水平分辨率不同而导致的DEM栅格单元异质性对地形湿度指数提取的影响。

    This paper explored the resolution effects of the TWI and the influence of terrain heterogeneity of DEM grids among different resolution DEMs for two different terrain regions .

  9. PRECIS水平分辨率对宁夏气候模拟影响的试验

    Experiment of the Influence of PRECIS Horizontal Resolution on Climate Simulation Sensitivity in Ningxia

  10. 所设计的探空气球定位方案对水平分辨率为10km×10km的数值预报模式基本是可用的;

    The positioning scheme presented for sounding balloons is basically applicable to a resolution of 10 km × 10 km ;

  11. 其水平分辨率为菱形截断15波,垂直方向分为9层,陆面过程采用简化的简单生物圈模式(SSiB)。

    The land surface processes adopted the Simplified Simple Biosphere ( SSiB ) model .

  12. 模式范围包括东亚地区及相邻海域,水平分辨率为60km×60km,垂直方向为23层。

    The model resolution is 60 km x 60 km in the horizontal and 23 layers in the vertical .

  13. 模拟结果表明,提高模式水平分辨率,明显提高了大到暴雨的定量预报(大于25mm和大于50mm)的精度;

    The results indicate that the increasing of model horizontal resolution does not improve the effect of quantitative precipitation forecast for all the classification precipitation .

  14. 以陕北韭园沟流域1:10000水平分辨率为5m的DEM为研究对象,运用方差分析、回归分析、排序分析等分析方法,采用6种不同算法分别提取坡度。

    In Jiuyuan Guo drainage area of north Shanxi province , DEM with spatial resolution at 5m according to the map scaled at 1:10000 is taken as the research object , and 6 algorithms to extract slopes are adopted with the variance analysis , regression analysis and rank analysis employed .

  15. 在此基础上,对于选定的最佳模拟区域和侧边界条件,进行嵌套和水平分辨率影响试验,以研究CWRF对中国东部季风区降水模拟宜采用的方案。

    On the basis of the decided model domain and lateral boundary conditions , the experiment of nesting and horizontal grid spacing are conducted to study the scheme of CWRF application in East China .

  16. 静力模式中水平分辨率与垂直分辨率的协调性问题

    Matching between the horizontal and vertical resolution in a hydrostatic model

  17. 模式水平分辨率对祁连山区降水模拟影响的初步分析

    Effect of Different Horizontal Resolutions on Simulation of Precipitation in Qilian Mountain

  18. 垂直分辨率与水平分辨率协调问题的研究

    Research on the coordination of vertical and horizontal resolutions

  19. 数字辐射扫描成像系统水平分辨率的提高

    Improvement of horizontal resolution in digital radiography system

  20. 有地形数值模式中水平分辨率对预报质量的影响

    Effects of the horizontal resolution on the forecast quality Sn a numerical model with topography

  21. 模式水平分辨率对梅雨锋降水定量预报的影响

    The effect of model horizontal resolution on quantitative precipitation forecast for Meiyu front torrential rainfall

  22. 这表明云的非均匀性造成即使在较低水平分辨率情况下也存在反演值偏离实际值的情况。

    This effect shows that the cloud inhomogeneity can affect the retrieval even under low resolution .

  23. 我国农业产业化经营及对策研究垂直分辨率与水平分辨率协调问题的研究

    The Research on Our Country 's Vertical Coordination Operation and Countermeasure RESEARCH ON THE COORDINATION OF VERTICAL AND HORIZONTAL RESOLUTIONS

  24. 利用一个有限区域嵌套细网格数值预报模式,设计了3种不同分辨率的模式网格,通过对一次降水过程的预报,检验了模式水平分辨率对积云对流参数化效果的影响。

    In this paper , an one-way nested limited area primitive equation model is used to study effects of horizontal resolution on cumulus parameterization .

  25. 用惠更斯菲涅尔带分析了水平分辨率,最后说明该种方法的技术关键。

    With Huygens-Fresnel belt , the authors have analyzed the horizontal resolution ratio , and pointed out the technological crux of such a method .

  26. 金属矿地震勘探中的分辨率分为垂直分辨率和水平分辨率,一般认为垂直分辨率为调谐厚度&四分之一波长,水平分辨率为第一菲涅尔带半径。

    It is generally recognized that the vertical resolution is the tuning thickness " quarter wavelength ", the horizontal resolution is the first Fresnel zone radius .

  27. 另外,受水平分辨率的限制,二维地震剖面圈出的亮点不能准确地反映天然气藏圈闭的实际范围。

    In addition , the bright spots on 2-D seismic sections cannot correctly reflect the real range of gas reservoirs because of the horizontal definition limits .

  28. 基于大气环流模式的水平分辨率(1-5个经纬度),土壤水在水甲方向上的流动可以忽略。

    Basing on horizontal resolving power of the atmospheric circumfluent mode ( 1-5 longitude and latitude ), soil water flow in horizontal direction can be ignored .

  29. 用一个水平分辨率比较高的非线性正压模式,对热带西太平洋海域里的海流进行了数值模拟。

    Numerical simulation of currents of the western North Tropical Pacific Ocean have been carried out by using a barotropic primitive equation model with finer horizontal resolution .

  30. 结果表明,影响偏移成像水平分辨率的主要参数是介质速度、地震子波主频和偏移处理的孔径角。

    The main parameters that effect horizontal resolution of migration imaging were identified as medium velocity , dominant frequency of seismic wavelet and aperture angle of migration processing .