
  • 网络Adjustment tube;pass transistor;pass element;VTl;MOSFET
  1. 设计了一种适用于总线终端的具有3Asource与sink电流能力的快速响应线性稳压器,采用NMOS调整管结构不仅提高了系统电流能力,也保证了低输出电压的情况。

    A linear regulator with 3A source and sink current capability is designed for the bus terminal . The regulator employs a NMOS pass transistor , which not only improves the system current capacity but also ensures the case of low output voltage .

  2. 串联型稳压电路中调整管最大功耗的讨论

    Discuss on Maximum Power Dissipation of Pass Transistor Serial Voltage Regulator

  3. 电路设计中,采用E/DNMOS基准,用PMOS管作调整管;

    E / D NMOS reference is adopted and a PMOS transistor is used as pass element in the design .

  4. LDO是一个微型的片上系统,他包括调整管、采样网络、精密基准源、差分放大器、过流保护、过温保护等电路。

    Low Drop Out ( LDO ) regulator is a micro system on chip , it includes converter , sampling web , reference , differential amplifier , current limit and thermal protect circuits .

  5. 此LDO主要包含了带隙基准电压产生模块、反馈电阻网络、功率调整管、误差放大器模块,同时加入了修条电路、过热关断模块、短路保护及限流保护模块。

    LDO mainly includes the Reference voltages module , the feedback resistance network and adjustment transistor , the error amp module , and join the trimming resistors , thermal shutoff module , Short circuit and current limiting protection module .

  6. 在此基础上,提出本文所设计的LDO电路,主要由PMOS调整管、带隙基准源、过流保护模块、软启动模块、瞬态增强模块构成。

    Based on this , a new LDO circuit is proposed . The new circuit is composed by the PMOS regulator , the band-gap reference , the over-current protection module , soft-start module , the transient-enhanced module and so on .

  7. 可控硅-串联调整管稳流电源的分析计算

    Analysis of current - stabilized power supply with scr-series regulator

  8. 串联稳压电路主要工作在线性状态,因此调整管的功耗大。

    Serial voltage regulation circuit works mostly in liner condition .

  9. 一种在微波管外调整管内参数的方法激励调整晶体三级管

    A method to readjust interior parameters outside microwave tube

  10. 在彩电开关电源中缩短电源调整管开关时间的措施

    Reduction of regulator on / off time in switching power supply of color TV

  11. 计算串联稳压电路调整管的最大功耗的另一种方法

    Another Way to Calculate the Maximum Power Dissipation of Regulator in Serial Voltage Regulation Circuit

  12. 本文利用最大功率传递定理,对调整管的最大功耗进行了分析计算。

    This paper analyzes and calculates the maximum power dissipation based on the theorem of the maximum power transfer .

  13. 开关稳压电源的效率与调整管调整效率的关系分析

    Analyzing on Relationship Between the Efficiency of Regulated Power Supply in on-off Mode and the Regulated Efficiency of Compensating Pipe

  14. 另外,如需调整管冷间距或位置,会给计算带来不便。

    In the other hand , the change of the intervals or positions of cooling pipes could bring inconvenience to the calculation .

  15. 同时该电路集成了能在轻负载情况下自动降低频率的绿色模式以及能在电感峰值电流过高时关断调整管的功率限制模块,降低了系统的功耗。

    Green-mode which provides off-time modulation to linearly decrease the working frequency under light-load conditions and power limiting which will turn off the transistor when peak current of inductor reaches the threshold current .

  16. 开关电源内部的调整管工作在开关状态,即时通时断,其等效电阻很小,所以功耗很小,开关电源的效率可以达到普通线性稳压电源的两倍多。

    The internal large power MOS in switch mode power supply operates in intermittent state , its equivalent resistance is very small , so it consumes very little energy . Its efficiency can reach nearly double that of normal linear steady voltage supply .

  17. 从开关稳压电源中调整管的工作状态出发,定量计算出调整管的功率损耗,具体分析出开关稳压电源的效率与调整管调整效率的关系。

    This article calculates quantitatively the power loss of compensating pipe and analyses concretely the relations between efficiency of regulated power supply in on-off state and regulated efficiency of compensating pipe from the active state of compensating pipe in regulated power supply in on-off state .

  18. 前级开关变换器实现直流电压一次调节和稳定,后级线性调整管实现输出电压的高精度调节和稳定,因此,复合型可调直流电源兼有线性电源和开关电源的主要优点。

    The first class is switching converters , which regulate and stabilize DC voltage once . The first class is linear regulators , which give output with high precision . Therefore , the compound regulative DC-DC converter has the advantages of both linear power and switching power .

  19. 在模型校核中利用管段重要性指数挑选对管网水力特性影响较大的管段,调整其管段海曾-威廉系数C,达到提高模型精度目的。

    In hydraulic model calibration , the precision of model can be improved by selecting pipes with higher importance according to their significance index and adjusting their Hazen-Williams coefficient .

  20. 通过调节源、漏扩散窗口间距,可以在小范围内调整nMOS管的阈值电压。

    The threshold voltage of the nMOS transistor can be adjusted in a small range by varying the space between source and drain diffusion 、 windows .

  21. 他使调整三极管上的电压降接近稳定,改进了他的性能。

    It keeps the voltage drop across the pass transistor more nearly constant , improving its performance .

  22. 对该机的设备、焊枪及焊接程序、焊接电源特点、焊接参数调整及管屏焊接工艺措施等作了介绍。

    The procedure parameters , the equipment characteristics and measures to be taken are introduced in the paper .

  23. 治疗过程中,及时拍摄x线片观察和调整根管疏通方向。

    During the negotiation , X-ray films were taken to observe and adjust the direction of negotiation when necessary .

  24. 方法自动调整透视管电压以控制图像的亮度;利用光电计时器自动控制曝光时间。

    Methods To automatically adjust x ray tube voltage of fluoroscopy for image brightness control , to use phototimer for autocontrol of exposure time .

  25. 更换波导染料激光器中的染料浓度方法简单,因此可以简便地调整波导管中激活区的深度;

    Owing to the simplicity of changing dye concentration in the waveguide dye laser , the depth of active region can be adjusted conveniently in the waveguide tube .

  26. 通过在铁水中加入废钢,加强对溜槽与管模之间的距离调整,管模改造等措施将夹层打爆管所占比率降为0.68%。

    By adding molten iron scrap to enhance the chute and adjust the distance between the pipe mold , pipe mold reform and other measures will be laminated Dabao tube reduced the percentage of0.68 % .

  27. 系统通过对输出电压的反馈采样,控制内部振荡器的频率,使输出电流恒定;或根据反馈电压,调整功率管栅信号的跳周期个数,使输出电压恒定。

    By sampling the output voltage , the system can control the oscillator frequency to stabilize the output current ; or according the feedback voltage , the system can decide the number of skip cycle of the power transistor gate signal to stabilize the output voltage .

  28. 根据UOE制管过程中应力-应变的变化规律和生产实际分析了上述因素,从而为制定钢板的屈服强度值及调整优化制管工艺参数提供了依据。

    The above mentioned factors analyzed in accordance with the production practice and the stress strain transformation rule during the manufacture of UOE welded pipe , thereby the basis is given to establish the yield strength value of plate , adjust and optimize the pipe manufacture process parameter .

  29. 开关电源是指调整功率开关管以开关方式进行工作的稳压电源。

    Switch power source is the voltage regulation source that revision power switch is working by switch fashion .

  30. 注水井不泄压修井作业技术解决了注水井注水层段调整、更换管柱及配件等一系列井下作业施工难题。

    Tech of work-over operation without pressure leakage resolves series problems of adjustment of water injection section , changing producing string and repairs parts .