
  • 网络overshooting;accomodative excess;excessive accommodation
  1. 另外,为了解决极距控制时控制周期慢和容易调节过度产生振荡的矛盾,采取了一种折中算法。

    In the control of electrode distance , a compromise arithmetics is used to solve the conflict of the slow control period and the excess adjustment .

  2. 结果:血府逐瘀汤能延长凝血时间,提高痛阈,调节5-HT的过度降低。

    Results : Xuefu Zhuyu decoction could prolong coagulation time , elevate pain threshold , prevent excessive decrease in 5-HT .

  3. 我国是一个粮食净进口国家,对国际市场的依存度有上升趋势,调控中存在逆向调节和反应过度现象;

    China is a net grain import country and dependence to world market become stronger .

  4. 目的:探索一种在体外受精-胚胎移植(IVF-ET)超排卵方案中既能使垂体降调节又不至于过度抑制卵巢功能的达必佳有效剂量。

    Objective : To investigate the optimal dose of Decapeptyl that used in the IVF superovulation protocol for the pituitary desensitization .

  5. 结论:MS的发生与自主神经调节功能障碍(迷走神经过度兴奋、交感神经张力不足)密切相关。

    Conclusion : The pathogenic mechanism of micturition syncope is closely related with the dysfunction of the regulation of autonomic nerves system ( the excessive excitation of vagus and the insufficiency of the sympathetic excitation ) .

  6. 肾素-血管紧张素系统(RAS)是心血管系统的主要调节系统,其过度激活可通过升高血压、氧化应激、炎症反应、致内皮细胞功能紊乱等方式促进动脉粥样硬化的形成。

    Renin-angiotensin system ( RAS ) is one of the main regulators of cardiovascular diseases . Over activity of RAS can accelerate the formation of AS by increasing blood pressure , oxidative stress , inflammatory response and endothelial dysfunction and so on .

  7. 在水体中随着养殖的进行,在2010年11月弧菌出现了大量的繁殖,而在底泥中这种变化不明显,因此需要对养殖水体进行一定的调节,以免弧菌过度繁殖导致病害爆发。

    In November 2010 there have been massive reproduction of Vibrio in seawater , but in sediment it does not change significantly . Hence , need for aquaculture water bodies to make some adjustments , so as not to cause disease outbreaks because of Vibrio overgrowth .