
  • 网络Diskless;no disk
  1. 无盘工作站利用拨号网络访问Internet的一种方法

    A Way of Diskless Workstation Accessing Internet by Dial-up Network

  2. 基于Windows操作系统的无盘网络技术

    The Diskless Network Based Windows Operation System

  3. Windows增强模式在局域网络无盘工作站中的实现

    Realization of Windows Enhance Mode on No-disk Workstation of LAN

  4. WINDOWSnt无盘工作站的建立和维护

    The Establishment and Maintenance of No-Disk Station Based on Windows NT

  5. WINDOWSnt无盘工作站的远程引导与配置技术

    The remote boot and configuration technology of Windows NT diskless workstation

  6. Linux无盘工作站在实验教学中的使用

    Deployment of Linux Diskless Workstation in Experiment Teaching

  7. WINDOWSNTSERVER4.0中文版下无盘工作站的建立

    Establishment of windows 95 non disk workstation under windows NT server 4.0

  8. WINDOWSnt网中安装PCI网卡无盘工作站

    Installing the diskless workstation of PCI card in the windows NT network

  9. WINDOWSnt无盘工作站的组建

    The Construction of Windows NT Non-disk Workstation

  10. WINDOWSnt无盘工作站的建设及应用

    Non-disk Workstation of Windows NT in LAN

  11. NT无盘工作站设置独立快捷用户区

    Setting independent quick user area on NT no-disk work station

  12. NT下Windows98无盘工作站的网络安装技术

    Network Setup Technology of a No-hard Disk Windows 98 Workstation Under Windows NT

  13. 基于WINDOWSnt下Win95无盘站的安全管理

    Safety Management of Win95 No-disk Workstation in Windows NT Network

  14. WINDOWSnt下Win95无盘工作站的安装

    The Installation of WIN 95 Diskless Workstation Under Windows NT

  15. NT网无盘工作站安装Windows95

    NT network without disk work-stand setup windows 95

  16. 支持者们称,由于对软硬件是集中控制的,故维护无盘NC比维护PC更容易、更便宜。

    Proponents claim the diskless NCs are easier and cheaper to maintain than PCs because control over hardware and software is centralized .

  17. 基于Windows2000的POS系统无盘终端的建立

    Establishment of Non-disk Workstation for POS System based on Windows 2000

  18. 基于Novell网无盘工作站WINDOWS环境计算机无纸化考试系统的设计与实现

    The Design and Implementation of Computer No-paper Testing System Based on WINDOWS Environment and NOVELL No-drive Workstation

  19. 你甚至可以用在无盘计算机上,整个系统是在RAM中加载。

    You can even use it on a diskless computer , the whole system being loaded in RAM .

  20. 以SlackwareLinux36为例,详细介绍了Linux无盘工作站的安装技术,包括Server端和Client端的详细安装和配置步骤。

    This paper introduced the installation of Linux diskless workstation Step by step , Including the details of the installation and configuration of both The server and the client .

  21. 无盘工作站实现NetWare下Windows3.x共享

    No Diskette workstation realizing Windows 3 . X share under NetWare

  22. NOVELL网无盘站多重启动

    The Multiple Booting of No-disk Workstation under the NOVELL LAN

  23. 100M(PXE)无盘教学网组网方案

    100 ( PXE ) No - disk Education Network Project

  24. NOVELL局域网无盘工作站的智能化上网管理

    The Intelligent Management for Login of Non-disk Workstation in NOVELL Local Area Network

  25. Novell局域网无盘站故障分析

    The proper installation of novell non-disk station LAN and the analysis of breakdown

  26. NOVELL网络无盘工作站安装技术设计

    The Installation Technology of NOVELL NetWare Non disk Stations

  27. WINDOWSnt4.0下Windows95无盘工作站的建立

    The process of creating Windows 95 No-disc platform under Windows NT 4.0

  28. 介绍在WINDOWSnt网络操作系统下,Windows95无盘工作站的安装、调试的详细步骤和过程。

    Based on windows NT network operating system , the particular step and process of Windows 95 without disk workstation setting and debugging were discussed .

  29. NetWare网络多用户无盘自启动设计与实施

    The Method and Process of NetWare Network Multi-user without Tray Self - startup

  30. Novell无盘工作站自动登录技术

    Technique for Automatic Log-in of Novell Non-Disk Station