
wú qián
  • unprecedented;invincible;unmatched
无前 [wú qián]
  • (1) [unmatched]∶无敌

  • 所向无前

  • (2) [unprecedented]∶空前

  • 业绩无前

无前[wú qián]
  1. 故此,可以从某种意义上说,中国IPTV业务发展过程无前可鉴,只有在探索中前进。

    Therefore , in a sense , Chinese IPTV development process can not get the former that be learned , and only forward in the exploration .

  2. 无前池泵站进水系统优化试验研究

    Optimization Experimental Study on Water Intake System in Pump Station Without Afront Pond

  3. 现在来一直往无前走,不再犹豫。

    Keep going now , Don 't hesitate .

  4. 介绍了无前盘风机(半开式叶轮)的结构特点,并于现场对该风机做了跟踪测试与效果验证。

    The configuration characteristics of dedust shroudless fan ( semi_ open impeller ) is introduced , and it is tracting tested and its effect is verified on field .

  5. 结论方形截囊术为皮质性白内障超声乳化摘除提供了一个边缘光滑整齐、抗撕裂、无前囊碎片的开口,同时确保了人工晶体囊袋内固定的可靠性。

    Conclusion The results show that the square-shaped anterior capsulotomy provides a tag-free opening with smooth edges and excellent tear resistance for cortical cataracts , and raises the reliability of IOl intracapsular fixation .

  6. 无前池泵站进水系统是输水工程中较为常见的形式之一,它具有自身的水流特点:进水池为无压流,而进水池上、下游的进、出水管均为有压流。

    As one of common models used in water conveyance project , pump station without afront pond is with its characteristics of non-pressure flow in intaking pond , and with pressure flow in the intaking and discharging pipes of the upper and lower of the intaking pond .

  7. 锯鳞鰕虎亚属(Priolepis),眼间区域前方为一对感觉乳突,乳突列b短,无背前鳞。

    The subgenus Priolepis , with one pair of sensory papillae in front of interorbital region , papillae row b short , and predorsal scales absent .

  8. 结论:在无明显前中柱不稳时,TLS固定后脊柱的前屈、后伸、侧弯和旋转的稳定性明显增加,尤其旋转增加较多;

    Conclussion : Spine without instability in the anterior and middle columes fixed with TLS increases significantly in flexion , extension , lateral bending and axial rotation stability , especially in rotation .

  9. 未婚女性较已婚女性更容易外出,已婚女性中又以家中无学龄前儿童的女性更容易外出。

    Unmarried female labors are more than married ones .

  10. 亚麻织物无氯前处理工艺

    Chlorine - free pretreatment of linen fabric

  11. 测定时,水样一般无需前处理,可直接测定。

    In the procedure , the sample needs generally no pre-treatment and can be determined directly .

  12. 结肠灌洗在急诊无术前肠道准备条件下结肠手术中的应用

    The Application of Colonic Lavage in the Emergency Situation of the Operative of Colon which has no Bowel Preparation

  13. 38例获得随访,时间4-40个月,所有患膝关节屈伸活动度正常,无膝前区疼痛;

    Of all cases , 38 cases were followed up for 4-40 months , with normal function of knee joint after operation .

  14. 问题不是患者有无术前用药,而是术前用药是否削弱了患者参与知情同意过程的心智能力。

    The issue is not whether the patient has been premedicated , but whether premedication has impaired the patient 's ability to participate in the informed consent process .

  15. 结果平均随访12个月(范围6~18),所有患者植片透明,未发现层间积液,前房深度正常,无虹膜前粘连和继发青光眼。

    Results The average follow up time was 12 ( from 6 to 18 ) months . All the grafts are clear and the intraocular pressure are normal , no double chamber and iris synechia .

  16. 有无心肌梗死前心绞痛行急诊PCI的近期疗效对比

    Comparison on therapeutic effects of emergency PCI for the patients with or without preinfarction angina pectoris

  17. 本文研制了一种无需复杂前处理即可直接涂覆的PP塑料专用涂料。

    This paper gives a study on the special coatings that can be coated directly on the surface of the PP plastic without complex pretreatment .

  18. 本文研究结果证明,实现VCR功能时无需存储前向和反向双向码流,能够有效减少所需传送的帧不匹配和漂移问题并降低网络带宽。

    The research results of this paper show that it can reduce the transmission frames drift which is not need to store two-way streams and network bandwidth .

  19. 亚马逊(Amazon)首席执行官杰夫•贝佐斯(JeffBezos)开始谈论用无人机送货前,中国媒体就报道说,当地的顺丰快递公司正内测无人机配送服务。

    Before the Amazon chief executive Jeff Bezos discussed using drones to deliver products , Chinese media reported that a local delivery company , S.F. Express , was experimenting with the idea .

  20. 结果:①表皮干细胞的分离、扩增及鉴定:在扩增的细胞拟接种于无细胞真皮前,进行角蛋白19免疫组织化学鉴定、以流式细胞术进行α6、CD71鉴定。

    RESULTS : ① Isolation , amplification and identification of epidermal stem cells : Before the amplified cells seeded on the acellular epidermis , keratin 19 ( K19 ) was identified with immunohistochemistry , and α 6 and CD71 with flow cytometry .

  21. 改进了传统的多源验前信息融合结构,在混合验前分布中加入无信息验前,并在混合验后融合权重中采用上述定义的SCMD值,从而提高了多源试验信息融合方法的适应能力。

    Finally , the conventional fusion structure of multi-source prior information is improved for better applicability by adding the non-informative prior to the mixed prior and using SCMD in the mixed posterior weights .

  22. 近红外无创测量前放噪声的优化设计

    Optimum Design of Pre-amplifier in NIR Non-invasive Measurement

  23. 无髓变色前牙内漂白失败原因分析

    Analyzing the causes of interior tooth bleaching failure of pulpless and discolored anterior teeth

  24. 仿真结果表明,无信息验前下的评估结论可以很好地用频率学派的观点来解释。

    The results of simulation show that the conclusion under noninformative priors can be explained according to the frequentist view .

  25. 用激光烧蚀固体进样法测定出口铝锭中硅、铁、镓、铜和镁,与国标方法相比较,无需样品前处理,直接测定,提高了工作效率。

    Si , Fe , Ga , Cu and Mg in exported aluminium ingot were determined by SOLIS-500 solids sampling system .

  26. 结论:阴道镜图象对阴道镜拟诊与组织病理学诊断有较高的符合率,对早期发现宫颈癌、癌前病变、人乳头瘤病毒感染及有无合并癌前病变有重要价值。

    Conclusion : Colposcopy have a very important value in finding early stage carcinoma of cervicals , CIN and human papillomavirus infection .

  27. 罗马教廷指责这次评选的组织者们无视基督教的纪念物,因为它们无一入选前二十名。

    The Vatican in Rome accused the competition 's organizers of ignoring Christian monuments , none of which was featured among the20 finalists .

  28. Γ分布能较准确地逼近前一天无雨和前一天有雨两种条件下雨日降水量的样本频率分布;

    Γ distribution can accurately approximate to the sample frequency distributions of daily precipitation under the conditions of a wet or dry preceding day .

  29. 前言:目的:总结和分析用内漂白方法治疗无髓变色前牙的失败原因。

    Objective : To sum up and analysis the causes of failure about treating pulpless and discolored anterior teeth with the method of interior tooth bleaching .

  30. 但基于国家政策或国库利益,在无适当用途前,有暂予出租之必要者,得经财政部项目核准为之。

    However , based on the national policy or treasury profit , the personal property shall be leased after specifically approved by the Ministry of finance .