
  1. 不管怎么样,类似的行为例如供花,都是一种善巧方便,是为了让我们认识到无自性,这就是智慧的所在。

    One way or another , this kind of act such as making a flower offering which 's skillful means , contribute to understand the non-existing of self , that 's which the wisdom .

  2. 缺点:不耐酸尤其不耐矿物酸,不耐紫外线,无自熄性,不能近火。

    Faults : no acid especially not resistant to mineral acid , not ultraviolet radiation resistant , no self-extinguishing RTV silicone compound , not near fire .

  3. 由于其无中心和自组织性,所以对adhoc网络路由协议的研究显得尤为重要。

    Ad Hoc network routing protocol research is particularly important because of its non-center and self-organization .

  4. 由于adhoc网络具有无中心和自组织性、网络拓扑动态变化、通过多跳路由以及分布式控制等诸多优势,就使它不仅可以应用在军事领域,在民用领域也存在着广泛用途。

    Since Ad Hoc networks have many advantages , for example , no center and self-organization , dynamic network topology , multi-hop routing and distributed control , it can be applied to both the military field and the civilian field .

  5. 佛教空观以为诸法性空本无,万物原无自性,现象界的虚幻不真,唯有佛性、真如永恒长存。

    Buddhist concept that the air space of the Chufa no , not since the original things , the phenomenon is illusory no real sector , only Buddhism , is really eternal longstanding .