
  1. 因果关系原则有利于解决某些科学问题。

    The rule of cause and effect helps to solve some scientific problems .

  2. 推定因果关系原则的发展、无过错责任原则的确立,为环境侵权问题的解决提供了法律基础。

    The development of the principle of presumption of causation , the establishment of the principle of no-fault liability provided a legal basis for environmental tort problems .

  3. 论确定过失与碰撞因果关系的原则

    On the Rule of Determining the Causality of Fault and Collision

  4. 论确定船舶碰撞过失与损害事实因果关系的原则

    The rule of determing the causality between Collision Faults and Damage Facts

  5. 最后,对于如何在我国适用因果关系推定原则提出建议。

    Finally , recommendation on how to use the principle of causality was put forward .

  6. 这正与归因过程的概率模型提出的“普适的因果分析逻辑原则”相一致。

    This argument is consistent with the logical principle of universally applicable causal analysis put forward by the attribution probability model .

  7. 同时认为适用因果关系推定原则应有原则、条件等限制,并配以具体的方法。

    It is pointed out that there are some restrict principles and concrete application methods in using presumption principle of causality .

  8. 环境污染犯罪是一种新型犯罪,环境污染犯罪的特征决定了因果关系推定原则是认定环境污染犯罪因果关系的主流性原则。

    Environmental pollution crime is a recently emerging crime . The principle for presuming the crime based on cause-effect relationship has proved a mainstream principle for establishing its nature .

  9. 重点是这些意识研究方法的比较研究。第一人称方法倚重主观的意识经验本身,但是对意识问题缺乏具有可操作性的研究纲领,而且无法解释物理世界的因果封闭性原则。

    By comparison , it proves that the first-person method relies heavily on the conscious experience itself , but lacks a maneuverable study guideline for consciousness , and could not provide a reasonable interpretation to causal closure principle .

  10. 针对我国日益严重的环境污染问题,提出制定《公害防治法》,明确规定举证责任转移和因果关系推定原则。

    In the light of Chinese increasingly serious environmental pollution , the author raises to draft " prevention and Cure Act in public Hazards " , and clearly provides the shift of onus of proof and presumption principles of causality .

  11. 要治理好西部日趋恶化的环境问题,从刑法对策角度出发,在罪与非罪的界定原则方面,应坚持差异性原则、有限制的因果关系推定原则;

    To harness the gradually bad surroundings problems in the west , from the aspect of the countermeasures of criminal law and the principle of guilty or not , we should insist the principle of difference and the principle of cause and effect .

  12. 再次,着重探讨了环境犯罪存在的争议问题,阐明了我国适用因果关系推定原则、引入严格责任及确立危险犯的可行性和必要限制。

    Thirdly , the article focus on discuss the controversial issues that exist in environmental crime , and clarify the feasibility and restriction of apply the deduction causality principle 、 introduced the strict liability and established the potential damage offense in our country .

  13. 论述受害人具有初步的证明责任,重点论证对此类案件应实行因果关系推定原则和无过错责任原则,阐明加害人对免责事由的证明责任以及受害人与加害人证明责任之间的关系。

    This article elaborates the victim has the preliminary proof responsibility , proves the implement of the causal relation estimation principle and the non-mistake responsibility principle regarding this , and expounds injures ' proof responsibility as well as the relations between the victims and injures .

  14. 然后考察了传统保险法和现代保险法对违反告知义务的法律后果的不同处理,肯定了现代保险法引入因果关系和比例原则的意义,并对我国海上保险立法的相关规定提出了修改建议。

    The author first analyzes the legal consequence of violating the duty of disclosure , then puts forward proposals for the correlative regulation in our marine insurance .

  15. 之后对于案件中的若干焦点问题,如适用举证责任的原则,对因果关系的推定原则等方面进行了较为详细的论述。

    After the case , some focus on issues such as the burden of proof for the principle of presumption of causation , etc , were discussed in detail .

  16. 但是,基于人性与物性的区别,适用于自然科学的机械因果决定论解释原则并不适用于心理学。

    However , because of the difference between physical property and human nature , the mechanical causal determinism principle ( which applies to science ) does not apply to psychology .

  17. 二者在构成要件上有所不同。损害赔偿之诉主要包括起诉资格、违法行为、损害之存在、因果联系、过错原则。

    Two constitutive requirements are different Compensation for Damages against the standing to sue , illegal activities , damage to the existence of a causal link , the fault principle .

  18. 我们暂不考虑万事均有因果关系这一原则是否有效,因为这一问题尽管重要,但那样的讨论将会使我们离题太远。

    Let us waive any questions concerning the validity of the principle that every event has a cause , for though the question is important its discussion would lead us far afield .

  19. 接着,本文分析了环境污染侵权诉讼中的证明规则,主要就四种规则进行说明:无过错责任原则、过错责任原则、因果关系的推定原则和举证责任倒置原则。

    Forth , the paper shows some special certification rules in environmental pollution torts , which conclude three rules : no-fault liability principle , the presumption of a causal relationship and the role of the conclusions .

  20. 对于能源犯罪案件,应当充分借鉴国外的经验和做法,积极适用环境民事侵权案件中因果关系的推定原则,从而使能源犯罪行为能够得到及时有效的预防和惩治。

    The article advocates learning the foreign experience and , in the premise of excluding the presumption of guilty , migrating the presumption principle of causality , to punish the energy crime in time and effectively .

  21. 在因果关系的认定上应采用因果关系推定原则;

    Causality reasoning principle should be used to determine causality of the crime .

  22. 讨论了环境污染事故处理中因果关系的特点、因果关系分析的基本原则和内容、因果关系分析的基本步骤,并简介环境污染事故中因果关系推定原则和环境暴露分析方法。

    It dealed with the characteristic , basic principle , content and steps of causality analysis in handling environmental pollution accident , introduced the inference principle of causality . and method of environmental exposure analysis used ln the diagnosis of environmental pollution accident .

  23. 修订后的《刑法》在环境刑事立法上虽有重大发展,但因环境犯罪的特殊性而使传统的刑法因果关系理论受到冲击,新因果关系确立原则&因果关系推定原则应运而生。

    Revised Criminal Law made great progress in the environmental penal legislation , but because of the peculiarity of environmental law , the traditional theory of penal causality had suffered tremendous impact . A new causality principle , presumption principle for causality , emerged as the times demanded .