
yīn yuán
  • cause;principal and subsidiary causes;predestined relationship
因缘 [yīn yuán]
  • (1) [principal and subsidiary causes] [佛教]∶产生结果的直接原因和辅助促成其结果的条件

  • 洒家在五台山真长老处,学得说因缘,便是铁石人也劝得他转。--《水浒传》

  • (2) [predestined relationship]∶缘分

  • 他俩真有因缘

因缘[yīn yuán]
  1. 这是成长因缘。

    This is the cause of growth .

  2. 棉纺高效工艺的创新实践成果及Crosrol梳棉机与高效工艺的因缘

    Innovation practice of high efficient cotton spinning technology and relation between Crosrol carding machine and high efficient technology

  3. 温暖灵魂的一束光辉&鲁迅与佛学因缘谈

    Lightening Soul & On the Relationship between Lu Xun and Buddhism

  4. 要理解这里的因缘,就需要关注通涨的表现。

    To see why , turn to the behaviour of inflation .

  5. 中日文学的交融与诗学因缘

    Blending of Chinese - Japanese literatures and their relation in poetry

  6. 就等着因缘给它找个合适的人。

    Just waiting for karma to deliver it to the right person .

  7. 并请记住:每件事情的发生都是为了某种因缘而发生的!

    And remember : Everything that happens , happens for a reason !

  8. 佛教与中国古典小说的因缘浅探

    The Study of Relations Between Chinese Classical Novels and Buddhism

  9. 但是因缘让他们拥有了其他的东西。

    But karma wanted them to find other things instead .

  10. 没有,因为,我还是因缘的受害者。

    No , because . I am still a victim of condition .

  11. 正如耕田而不播种,皆是空过因缘。

    There is no harvest to reap , letting opportunity pass us by .

  12. 使他们在俘掳他们的人前,成为自己慈爱怜悯的因缘。

    He let them be pitied by all those who held them captive .

  13. 告诉过你因缘会照顾我们的。

    Told you karma would take care of us .

  14. 禅宗思想与诗歌一直有着很深的因缘关系。

    There is a deep and long causality between Zen thoughts and poetry .

  15. 叩问生命:现代新儒家的佛学因缘

    Ask the Being : The Karma of Buddhism and the Modern New Confucianism

  16. 法,亦是因缘关系之中的法。

    Fa is among the relationships of Yin Yuan .

  17. 不是同根生,聚合皆因缘&谈修辞学与语用学的区别与联系

    On the Connection and Distinction Between Rhetoric and Pragmatics

  18. 怨敌的武器与我的身体,二者都是产生痛苦的因缘。

    Both the weapon and my body are the causes of my suffering .

  19. 论曹禺《雷雨》与古希腊悲剧之因缘

    The predeterminate Relationship of CAO Yu 's Thunder Storm and the Greek tragedies

  20. 元杂剧与宗教文化之间,存在着深广的文化因缘。

    There is deep and extensive cultural relationship between religious culture and yuan zaju .

  21. 近代中国接受实证主义史学的因缘

    The Reasons of Current China Accepting Positivism Historiography

  22. 寓言体式与戏剧的因缘试探

    On the Relationship between the Parable and Drama

  23. 相会与分离发生都是依照因缘状况的复杂网络。

    Meeting and parting happen according to an intricate web of causes and conditions .

  24. 看一看十二因缘的教导。

    Look at the teaching on dependent origination .

  25. 没有免于因缘(因果报应)的细胞。

    No cell is free of karma .

  26. 由于因缘的作用,他们在1998年结合了。

    Enter the karma-they got married in1998 .

  27. 也许因缘会奖励我们的。

    Maybe karma will reward us .

  28. 在传统与现代的天平上&试论《啼笑因缘》的叙事特色

    On Traditional and Modern Balance & On the Narrative Characteristics of Sorrow and Happiness for Karma

  29. 传承与升华&具象表现主义艺术与中国绘画的因缘

    Figurative Expressionism in China 's Culture

  30. 艺术与酒的发生学之因缘

    The Bond Between Art and Liquor