
fó fǎ
  • Buddha dharma;Buddhist doctrine;Power of Buddha
佛法 [fó fǎ]
  • (1) [Buddhist doctrine]∶佛教的教义

  • (2) [Power of Buddha]∶佛所具有的法力

佛法[fó fǎ]
  1. 在佛法里,福德究竟意味着什么呢?

    What do we mean by merit in Buddha Dharma ?

  2. 学佛法,首先要认识自我。

    In learning Buddha Dharma , self-awareness is primary .

  3. 一天,有个和尚看见庙中的这两座像,心里很不高兴,说:“我们佛法广大无边,怎么能让佛祖屈居在老君的右边呢?”

    One day , a monk5 saw the two idols in the temple . He was displeased6 and said : " The power of Buddha7 is infinite . How can we condescend8 to allow the idol of Sakyamuni to be placed on the right of that of Tai Shang Lao Jun ? "

  4. 这部纪录片叫作《参悟佛法的小沙弥》(NoviceMonksCultivateDharmaWisdom),收视率出乎意料地好。

    Snappily titled ' Novice Monks Cultivate Dharma Wisdom , ' it was a surprise hit .

  5. 因此我们SGI在推广以佛法为基础的人性主义时,无论遇到多少疯狂、自以为是和不信任等障碍,也绝不降下“对话”这一人性主义的黄金旗帜。

    Thus the SGI will never lower the humanistic golden flag of " dialogue " no matter what crazy , self-righteous and distrustful obstacles we run into when we are promoting Buddhism-based humanism .

  6. 佛法的心灵无限是什麽?

    What is the infinite ability of spirit to Buddha dharma ?

  7. 听着!这不是弘扬佛法的时间。

    Listen ! This is not a time for a sermon .

  8. 雨燕;在旧的分类中,包含于佛法僧目之中。

    Swifts ; in former classifications included in the order Coraciiformes .

  9. 从经典中学习佛法是好的,但那样不能解脱苦恼。

    Studying from scriptures is good , but it cannot solve suffering .

  10. 七世纪时,中国僧人曾在印度学习佛法。

    In the7th century , Chinese monk Xuanzang studied Buddhism in India .

  11. 誊稿对进入丶了解佛法极有帮助。

    Transcribing is highly recommended way to enter and access the Dharma .

  12. 他们说他们信仰佛陀及佛法。

    They said they believed in the Buddha and Dhamma .

  13. 2011年,祈愿法友们以坚定力学习佛法。

    In2011 , May all friends practice Dharma with determination .

  14. 佛法中的感应法门,是修定所得的神通;

    The extraordinary powers in Buddhism are obtained via samadhi .

  15. 在认识光环密宗佛法前,我只认为这样就一辈子。

    I thought that will be my whole life before knowing the sect .

  16. 学佛法没有什么利益?

    Is there no benefit in studying the Buddhadharma ?

  17. 这个课程,是一个探讨佛法当中的生命哲学思想的课程。

    This course is a instruction of life philosophical thinkings upon Buddha dharma .

  18. 我很幸运在我还年轻的时候就选择了佛法。

    I am fortunate that I chose Dharma when I was still young .

  19. 于是乎,他也开始拜佛,研究佛法了。

    And he began to bow to the Buddhas and study the Buddhadharma .

  20. 佛法教示之根本原理是「一切无我」。

    The fundamental principle of Buddhist teachings is that all are without self .

  21. 同样的,不经过分析,就不应当接受佛法是正确的。

    Likewise , without analysis one should not accept the dharma as valid .

  22. 在某些分类中使用的术语,几乎与佛法僧目相同。

    Term used in some classifications as nearly equivalent to the order Coraciiformes .

  23. 况且,佛法也有许多很好的法门。

    Besides , there 're also many wonderful paths .

  24. 菩提心是大乘佛法最重要的法教。

    Bodhicitta is the most important teaching of Mahayana .

  25. 我们可以使用你们的资源去弘扬佛法。

    We can use your resources to propagate Dharma .

  26. 佛法修行的目标是证入圆满觉悟。

    The ultimate goal of Buddhist practices is the attainment of perfect enlightenment .

  27. 有佛法的地方就有信仰。

    Where there is Dharma , there is faith .

  28. 僧伽是世尊的追随者,良好地修行佛法。

    The Sangha of the Blessed One has entered on the good path ;

  29. 那是因为佛法是清净的而你的心并不是这样。

    That is because the Dharma is pure but your mind is not .

  30. 渡海前往中国求证佛法。

    He sailed to China in search of scriptures .