
  1. 不只是怛荼罗,而是所有的乘,所以我们能够制造一个"佛乘″。

    Not just for Tantrayana but for all the'yana'so that we make a Buddhayana .

  2. 于是本文以佛五乘来概括这种人物为人天乘者,代表佛家所谓有烦恼的人。

    By this thesis , the researcher has applied the Buddhist five vehicles to categorize the characters in the human heaven vehicles to represent the suffering and affliction of human beings .

  3. 所有这些事是属于诸佛的世界并且不是声闻乘和辟支佛乘可以知道。

    All such things belong to the world of all Buddhas and are not what sravakas and pratyekabuddhas may know .