
  • 网络Florida Everglades;the Everglades
  1. 像佛罗里达大沼泽地等的大多数国家公园和地标性建筑一直处于关闭状态。

    Most national parks and landmarks , like the Everglades in Florida had been close since the shutdown started .

  2. 那么美国瓦卢杰航空公司(Valujet)的例子呢?1996年在佛罗里达大沼泽地发生坠机事故后,这家公司更名为穿越航空(AirTran),成功再次崛起。

    What about Valujet , the US airline that , after a 1996 crash in the Florida Everglades , re-emerged , successfully , as AirTran ?

  3. 在佛罗里达大沼泽地国家公园被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

    Everglades National Park in Florida is listed as World Heritage by UNESCO .

  4. 1996年,瓦卢杰航空592号航班起飞后不久就遭遇失火,坠毁于佛罗里达州大沼泽地,机上110人全部罹难。

    In 1996 , ValuJet Flight 592 caught fire shortly after takeoff and crashed into the Florida Everglades , killing all 110 passengers that were on board .