
  1. 有概念炒作,有卖点集成,有模仿,有照搬照抄;

    Some concept vehicle , some dispose of integration , some imitate , some copy ;

  2. 接着,正文部分第一章对误区现状进行扫描:虚假广告屡禁不止、概念炒作层出不穷、消费主义大肆蔓延。

    Then , In the first chapter , we scan the faulty status : false ad , concept marketing and consumerism .

  3. 但与此同时,各种概念炒作也大行其道,最牛散户层出不穷。

    But in the mean while , various concepts of speculation have emerged and " the most bullish individual investor " shows up one after another .

  4. 建筑创作理念化的误区&对住宅设计中概念炒作现象的分析与反思国内绿色生态住宅的开发有很长时间停留在概念炒作阶段,对于绿色生态住宅的概念并无一致说法。

    Notional Flack in Residential Design In China , construction of ecological house kept in superficial predicament for a long time and conceptions of ecological house are inconsistent .

  5. 同时生态工厂概念的炒作使形象敏感型客户更加关注该厂。

    Similarly , the eco-factory helps to tie in an image-sensitive client .

  6. 特别是证券市场对于资产重组这个概念的炒作从未间断过,且吸引了大批的投机者。

    In particular the stock market for " asset restructuring " the concept of speculation has never been interrupted , and attracted a large number of speculators .

  7. 一切物品从烤面包机到路灯都可以连接到互联网与我们沟通的概念已经炒作了数年。

    The idea that every object from toasters to street lights could be connected to the internet and be communicating with us has been hyped for several years .

  8. 第四章论述我国房地产文化策划存在的问题,包括概念的炒作、实际操作存在的问题以及误区。

    The fourth chapter is on the culture of China 's real estate planning issues , including the concept of speculation , the actual operation of the problems and errors .

  9. 一切物品——从烤面包机到路灯——都可以连接到互联网与我们沟通的概念已经炒作了数年。

    The idea that every object - from toasters to street lights - could be connected to the internet and be communicating with us has been hyped for several years .

  10. 近年来,我国的证券市场虽然得到了长足发展,但依然未能摆脱非成熟市场所固有的弊端,价值投资理念淡薄、投机气氛浓厚、概念跟风炒作盛行等问题依旧存在。

    Even though the stock market recently has been developing rapidly and strongly , there are still immature disadvantages that we failed to correct such as deficiency in ideology of value investment , blindly strong atmosphere of speculation and prevalence of concept and trend-following speculation .

  11. 概念营销是一种营销手段,它的出现是遵循着市场经济发展规律的,它和概念炒作是有着本质区别的。

    Conceptual marketing is a sort of marketing means , its emergence conforms to development rule of market economy , and it is essentially different from " concept boast " .