
  • 网络conceptual logic
  1. 虽然这种说法具有一定的概念逻辑,但在现实中这样做往往会得不偿失。

    Although there is a conceptual logic to this , in reality you usually lose more than you gain .

  2. 生育观念的概念逻辑模型

    A Conceptual Model of Ideology on Childbearing

  3. 军校科研数据仓库的设计遵循概念逻辑物理三级数据模型。

    The design of data warehouse on scientific research of military college follows the kind of data model of " concept logic physics " .

  4. WebSphereApplicationServer命令框架为开发执行WebSphereApplicationServer管理任务的命令以及执行该命令提供了概念和逻辑上的结构。

    The WebSphere Application Server command framework provides a conceptual and logical structure for developing and executing commands that perform WebSphere Application Server administrative tasks .

  5. 《MEDLINE》副主题词特点及对医学主题概念间逻辑关系表达

    The Features of MEDLINE Subheadings and Expression of Logistic Relation among the Medicine Subject Concepts

  6. 该研究采用测验法,考察数学学习不良(MD)儿童的早期数学认知能力,包括计数、数守恒、时空概念、逻辑、计算和操作等方面。

    This study is on the mathematical cognition of MD , that includes count , quantity conservation , space-time conception , logic conception , calculation and manipulation .

  7. 科技英语翻译中对概念的逻辑思维问题

    Logical thinking about concepts in English translation of science and technology

  8. 纯文学的概念在逻辑上是不成立的。

    The concept of pure literature does not work in logic .

  9. 概念的逻辑特征,在动态观察中呈现丰富的变化性。

    The logical feature of concept presents rich changes in the dynamic observation .

  10. 中介概念在逻辑思维中具有重要地位和作用。

    The intermediary concept has an important position and function in logical thinking .

  11. 生态系统健康与相关概念的逻辑关系

    Logical interrelations between ecosystem health and its related notions

  12. 哲学自我意识概念的逻辑演变

    The Logic Development of Self-Consciousness ' Concept of Philosophy

  13. 康德将美学与需借助概念的逻辑理性认识严格地区分开来,然而,审美判断力在面对艺术问题时,也不得不纳入理性的内容。

    Kant strictly differentiates aesthetics from the logic rational cognition based on the conception .

  14. 存在概念的逻辑分析

    Logical Analysis of the Concept " Existence "

  15. 定名&概念的逻辑规则与概念系统

    Naming-Logical Rules Governing Conceptualization and the Conceptual System

  16. 论类概念的逻辑合理性&从费尔巴哈到马克思

    On the Logic Rationality of the Concept of Anthropology : From Feuerbach to Marx

  17. 数据建模有三层:概念、逻辑和物理。

    There are three levels of data modeling : conceptual , logical , and physical .

  18. 编辑学的全部内容就是“编辑”概念的逻辑展开。

    The whole concept of editing studies is the logical extension of " editing " .

  19. 民法学中若干法律概念的逻辑思考

    The Logic Thinking of Civil Law Conceptions

  20. 数据架构包括概念、逻辑和物理数据模型及其元数据模型。

    The data architecture includes conceptual , logical and physical data models and its metadata models .

  21. 针对目前制冷系统稳态仿真算法设计不规范造成的概念和逻辑上的混淆,提出一种通用的算法设计方法。

    A generalized algorithm designing procedure for a steady state simulation of refrigeration systems was introduced .

  22. 物权行为理论基础概念的逻辑区分

    The Logic Division of Basic Concepts for the Theory of the Juristic Acts of Real Right

  23. 极限概念的逻辑特征

    The logical characteristic of limit concept

  24. 论科学概念的逻辑特征

    Logical Characteristics of Scientific Concepts

  25. 物理概念的逻辑分析

    Logistic Analyse of Physical Concept

  26. 数据库设计包括概念和逻辑设计、表结构设计、备份和恢复实现等。

    The database design includes concept and logical design , table create , back up and recover .

  27. 你能轻松的理解抽象复杂的理论,成为概念和逻辑分析方面的高手。

    You easily understand abstract and complex theories and can be a master of conceptual and analytical thinking .

  28. 编辑学的理论体系是编辑学基本原理之间内在联系的表现,是编辑学基本概念的逻辑展开。

    The theoretical system of the science of compilation reflects the internal relationship of the basic principles of compilation .

  29. 霍菲尔德,美国著名的法学家,以对法律概念进行逻辑分析而闻名于世。

    Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld , a famous American jurist , who is renowned for his theory of legal concept .

  30. 紧接着,根据系统的功能和模块的划分,对系统的数据库的从概念和逻辑两方面进行了分析与设计。

    According the functions and modules of the system , the database is then analyzed and designed . 5 .