
  • 网络modernism design
  1. 浅析后现代主义设计形成的背景与原因

    Analyzing on the Background and Cause Formed in Post Modernism Design

  2. 现代主义设计成为其它设计思潮孕育的源头。

    Modernism design has become the source of other design conceptions .

  3. DIY设计思潮是近二十年来出现的新兴设计思潮,它属于众多的后现代主义设计思潮的一支,它的理念曾对于世界上许多著名的现代设计作品的诞生产生过积极的促进作用。

    The thought of DIY design emerges as a new one during the past 20 years , belonging to the post-modern design thoughts , which has facilitated the naissance of many famous modern design works .

  4. 在表现方法上,后现代主义设计呈现出非理性主义特征。

    In terms of expression method , post-modernistic design rejects irrationalism .

  5. 新艺术运动与现代主义设计之间相关性的探索

    Probe into the Relativity between Art Nouveau and Modernism Design

  6. 装饰艺术与后现代主义设计的风格比较研究

    The Research of Design 's Style in Art Deco & Post Modernism

  7. 德国现代主义设计的理性特质分析

    An Analysis of the Rational Characteristics of German Modernistic Design

  8. 二战后的西班牙设计&浅析西班牙现代主义设计

    Spanish Design after World War II & On the Spanish Modern Design

  9. 为此装饰在这设计中又再次兴起,形成了后现代主义设计。

    This decoration in the design again rise , form the postmodernism design .

  10. 后现代主义设计艺术化现象论析

    On the Art - oriented Post - modernistic Design

  11. 谈影响现代主义设计风格形成的因素

    On Factors Affecting the Formation of Modernism Design Style

  12. 后现代主义设计的风格和文化理念

    The Style and Cultural Concept of Post - Modernism

  13. 后现代主义设计评论

    The comment on the post - modernism design

  14. 后现代主义设计中的人性化因素

    The Humanistic Factors of Post - Modernism

  15. 美比例现代主义设计

    The Beauty , Proportion and Modernism Design

  16. 现代主义设计探源

    The Research on the Design of Modernism

  17. 现代主义设计形成原因再认识

    Reconsideration of Reasons of Modernist Design Formation

  18. 夏洛特·贝里安(CharlottePerriand)&现代主义设计的先驱

    Charlotte Perriand : Forerunner of Modernism Design

  19. 后现代主义设计的思想根源

    Ideological Source of the Post-modernism Design

  20. 透析后现代主义设计的文化理念后现代之后&后现代概念的意义探索

    A Thorough Analysis of the Cultural Concept of Post-Modernist Design The ' Post ' of Post modern

  21. 怀旧的情怀、艺术化倾向和对文化差异性的肯定是后现代主义设计在现代主义基础上形成的主要特征。

    The nostalgia feelings , artistic tendency and affirmation of culture differences developed from modernism design are main characteristics of post-modernism .

  22. 作为现代主义设计运动最重要的组成部分,包豪斯以它独特的魅力成为其中最华彩的篇章。

    Bauhaus , as the most important component of this movement , is becoming the most brillant part with its unique attraction .

  23. 极少主义设计思潮既承袭了现代主义设计的基本思想,又从密斯的少就是多的设计原则中演化出丰富的设计方法。

    Minimal room design not only extends the basic idea of modernism design , but also evaluates many design methods from Smith Rule .

  24. 现代主义设计以艺术与技术相结合为宗旨,造型简洁为原则而深入人心。

    It is popular with the public because art combined with technology is its animus and the simplicity of conformation is its principle .

  25. 第二章是追述拼布的发展历史,同时对拼布与拼贴、后现代主义设计观念的关系进行梳理。

    The second chapter reviews the history of patchwork and analyzes the relationship among patchwork , collage and the perception of post-modernism design .

  26. 通过对现代主义设计思想成因的探讨,尝试对现代主义的设计观念作出新的理解。

    Through study contributing factor of ideas of Modernism Design , this paper try to make new understanding of the conception of modernism design .

  27. 后现代主义设计理念对现代大型团体操设计的影响&试论2008年北京奥运会开幕式设计

    The Influence of Post-modernism on the Design of Modern Grand Group Calisthenics & A Discussion on the Opening Ceremony Design of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  28. 20世纪60年代的极少主义艺术运动与现代主义设计的相遇是引发极少主义设计产生的关键所在。

    In the 60 's in 20 centuries , it was the important key that the movement of minimal art and modernistic design had gone together .

  29. 装饰艺术运动也为后现代主义设计提供了大量可资参考的材料。

    The rich economic basis of the west needs the diversification and popularization of Art Deco movement also offers great deal of reference material for post-modernism design .

  30. 德国是理性主义设计的发源地和坚实壁垒,尤其现代主义设计的兴起,使德国一度成为世界设计的中心。

    Germany is a cradle and stronghold of the rationalistic design . Especially the spring-up of the modernistic design once made Germany the center of the world design .