
  • 网络Modern World View;Contemporary World View;Modernes Weltverstaendnis
  1. 因此如何在现代世界观中一致且完备地解释和理解人遂成了心智哲学的大问题。

    Nihilism is defined as the logical results caused by continuous human negation and criticism against the real world .

  2. 在当前的国际关系中,现代西方世界观在很大程度上发挥着霸权世界观的作用。

    In current international relations , the modern western worldview plays the role of a hegemonic worldview .

  3. 整个现代的世界观都建立在一种幻觉的基础上,即认为所谓的自然律是自然现象的解释。

    The whole modern conception of the world is founded on the illusion that the so-called laws of nature are the explanations of natural phenomena .

  4. 第三部分探索吉登斯对现代世界的风险观;

    Third , we focus on his perspectives of modern world 's risks ;

  5. 生态世界观:后现代主义的世界观

    On the Ecosystem Global View of Post-modernism

  6. 而无论是从哲学观还是从整个现代性的世界观特征上看,马克思哲学都是在本来的意义上就是生存论,即原始的生存论。

    Marx 's philosophy should be the original " existentialism philosophy " from the perspective of either philosophy or the modern world outlook .

  7. 马克思恩格斯对马克思主义哲学性质的规定表明:马克思主义哲学乃是哲学之扬弃意义上的现代唯物主义世界观,具体说是实践的、历史的和辩证的唯物主义世界观。

    From Marx and Engles ' definition the character of Marxism philosophy is clear , that is , Marxism philosophy is the philosophical sublation on the modern view of materialism .

  8. 这种诗歌技艺既是一种语言艺术,也是一种现代诗人的独特世界观。

    The art of modern poetry was not only a kind of poetic language , but also a kind of world view for modern poets .

  9. 现代技术的伦理困境深刻影响着现代人的道德世界观,突显了道德的相对性和主观性,从而为道德领域中的相对主义倾向提供了孳生的土壤和蔓延的空间。

    The ethical dilemmas of modern technologies have a deep effect on the moral worldview of the moderns . Such dilemmas reveal the relativity of the morality and give rise to the spread of moral relativism .

  10. 现代性意识为同一性与主体性的形而上学所支配,现代性世界观把人设置为主体、把事物表象为图像。

    The metaphysics of identity and subjectivity dominates the consciousness of Modernity so that human being is becoming subject and things are present as picture .

  11. 其思想不仅体现着现代生态观的纵深发展,而且反映了人类认识和把握人与自然关系的哲学范式的转换,更形成了后现代生态世界观的重要前提。

    Its thoughts not only reflect the development of modern ecology and change of philosophic paradigm in recognizing the relations of man and nature , but particularly form an important precondition of postmodern ecological world view .