
  • 网络spot market
  1. 采用完全竞争方式则需要建立现货交易市场下的水库优化运行模型,但改进后的模型可以考虑传输网络约束、机组组合以及系统中的不确定因素。

    While in completely competitive mode , an optimal operational model of reservoir in spot market is necessary . An improved model is possible to represent the transmission network restraint , unit commitment and system uncertainties .

  2. 欧洲能源现货交易市场结构分析

    Analysis of the Market 's Construction in Spot Trading of the European Energy Exchange

  3. 这些现货电子交易市场的出现,在促进相关行业供需协调的同时,也对供应链合作组织之间的关系产生着深远的影响。

    The appearance of these e-trade markets not only have promoted demand and supply coordination in some relevant industries , but also have created profound influence on relationship between supply chain cooperation organizations .

  4. 一个交易商指出,目前的现货交易和票据市场的价值保持一致,另一个则指出作为煤炭掉期交易的标准的API2指数是从现货实际交易中产生。

    While one trader said that current physical deals were aligned with paper values , another pointed out that the API2 index , against which coal swaps are settled , is derived from spot physical trades .

  5. 一个开放的电力市场,通常在配电侧存在着类似于期货交易的长期市场和类似于现货交易的短期市场的结构,供电公司通常要在两个市场中进行购电以满足用户的需求。

    An open electricity market , usually in the distribution side there is a similar long-term futures market and spot transactions similar to the structure of the short-term market , the supply companies usually take two to buy electricity market to meet the needs of users .

  6. 现货交易方式主要靠市场机制来约束。

    Spot transactions mainly rely on the market mechanism to restrain .

  7. 股票指数现货交易制度对股票市场的正面影响大于负面影响。

    This system has more positive influences than negative one on the stock market .

  8. 出于对经济增长放缓的担心,中国各钢厂曾停止在现货市场购买铁矿石。中国购买量占现货铁矿石国际交易市场的60%。

    Chinese steelmakers , who account for 60 per cent of the internationally-traded market , had halted their purchases of iron ore in the spot market amid concerns about an economic slowdown .