
  • 网络Hyundai;The Hyundai Group
  1. 现年55岁的韩相浩将和现代集团总裁玄贞恩一起担任CEO。

    Han , 55 , will be serving as CEO alongside Hyun Jeong-eun , the Hyundai Group chairwoman .

  2. 现代集团的成员起亚汽车(KiaMotors)也在增加对华投资。

    Kia Motors , a Hyundai affiliate , is also increasing its investment in China .

  3. 自12月以压倒之势赢得胜利后,李明博采取了帝王式的领导风范管理国家,这令人想起他在担任现代集团(Hyundai)的行政总裁,掌管各部各门的岁月。

    Since his landslide victory in December , he has adopted an imperial style of leadership reminiscent of his days as chief executive of various arms of Hyundai , a conglomerate .

  4. 三星集团仍由李氏家族控制,lg由具氏家族控制,现代集团由郑氏家族控制,sk集团由崔氏家族控制。

    The Samsung Group is still controlled by the Lee family , LG by the Koo family , the Hyundai Group by the Chung family , and the SK group by the CheY family .

  5. 从现代集团透视韩国产业政策的发展

    An Insight into the Development of Korea Industrial Policy : form Hyundai Group Case

  6. 他们要求现代集团提供一份贷款合同的副本,但现代集团拒绝提供。

    They demanded a copy of the loan contract , but Hyundai Group refused to submit it .

  7. 和布拉特同场竞技的是一个高大英俊、风度翩翩的现代集团世家贵公子,腰缠万贯,养尊处优,仪态从容大方。

    Opposite him was a tall , handsome , graceful scion of the Hyundai family , wealthy and privileged and at ease with himself .

  8. 尽管双方上月签署了初步协议,但债权人一直在追问现代集团打算如何为这笔交易融资。

    A preliminary deal was signed last month , but Hyundai Group has been dogged by questions from the creditors about how it would fund the deal .

  9. 卢武铉任职期间曾试图进行财富的再分配,而他的继任者,现代集团前老板李明博则阻止了这一计划。

    Mr Roh 's efforts while in office to re-distribute wealth were reversed by his successor , Lee Myung-bak , a former boss of the Hyundai Group .

  10. 合理的管控模式是现代集团公司充分发挥协同作用、赢得良好绩效的关键所在,也是企业参与市场竞争的客观需要。

    Reasonable control model of the modern enterprises is the key to get a good performance , and it is the objective market competition needs for an enterprises .

  11. 现代集团表示,债权人的决定是无效的,而且违反了法律。该集团已申请法院下达禁制令,保护其优先竞购权。

    Hyundai Group , which filed for a court injunction to protect its rights as the preferred bidder , said the creditors ' decision was invalid and against law .

  12. 债权人的一位法律顾问上周表示,现代集团提供的文件“不充分”,加大了交易夭折的可能性。

    A legal adviser for the creditors last week said the documents submitted by Hyundai Group were " inadequate " , raising the prospect that the deal could fall apart .

  13. 现代集团表示,债权人一再要求贷款合同的副本,在并购史上未有先例。这样的要求明显违反了法律。

    The creditors ' repeated demand for a copy of the loan contract is unprecedented in the history of M & A. Such a demand clearly violates the law , the group said .

  14. 北韩向经营该旅游区的韩国现代集团峨山公司透露了一些有关枪击的信息,但是拒绝跟韩国政府的调查组进行任何形式的合作。

    North Korea shared some information about the shooting with Hyundai Asan , the South Korean corporation that runs the resort but refuses any cooperation whatsoever with the South Korean government 's probe .

  15. 俄罗斯是韩国现代集团的主要出口地之一,而北京现代的产品出口到俄罗斯后,必将对韩国现代目前的一系列产品造成巨大的冲击。

    Russia is one of the main exporting destinations for HMC and the export of Beijing Hyundai products to Russia is surely to bring a tremendous impact on a series of hmc 's products .

  16. 苏华,四川现代教育集团董事长、全国政协委员

    Su Hua , chairman of the Sichuan Modern Education Group and a member of the CPPCC National Committee

  17. 2012年,同属现代汽车集团(HyundaiMotorGroup)的现代汽车和起亚汽车,承认夸大了之前两年在美销售的车辆的节油能力。

    In 2012 , Hyundai and Kia , which are both owned by the Hyundai Motor Group , admitted that they had overstated the fuel economy of vehicles sold in the United States over the previous two years .

  18. 韩国现代重工集团正在建设至少十家公司的新船。

    At least ten of the company 's newbuidlings are under construction at HHI .

  19. 随着计算机技术和电力电子技术的发展,现代采矿集团企业的信息化已经成为企业竞争取胜的关键。

    With the development of computer technology and power electronics technology , modern mining conglomerates , information technology has become a key enterprise competition to win .

  20. 现代商业集团中对公司控制权和现金流权的分离使控制性股东具有隧道挖掘的动机。

    The separation of corporate controlling right from the right to control cash flow in modern commercial groups makes controlling shareholders have motif to dig tunnels .

  21. 本文选取了三星集团和现代汽车集团进行经验研究,分析其公司治理结构的改善过程,并把中韩的公司治理状况作比较,吸取韩国的改革措施中可供我国借鉴的经验。

    It also chose Samsung Group and Hyundai Motor Group to analyze the improvement of their corporate governance , and then made a comparison of corporate governance between China and Korea .

  22. 本文认为,工商行业性组织与现代利益集团在社会结构中处于相同的地位&都是介于国家与公民、国家与企业之间的中介团体。

    The dissertation think that the attribute of the business trade organization is intermediary organization between the state and the citizen , or state and the corporation just as that of the intermediary association in Western Democracy Country .

  23. 以超大现代农业集团为案例,研究科技传播在企业科技创新中的作用,以及企业在科技传播中所扮演的角色,并对农业科技传播创新体系建设提出相关建议。

    Through a case study , this paper explores the role of science communication on scientific innovation and the role of enterprise plays on science communication and makes some suggestions for the establishment of agricultural science communication innovative system .

  24. 上海现代建筑设计集团

    Shanghai Xian Dai Architectural Design ( Group ) Co. , Ltd

  25. 论现代社会利益集团的组织功能&兼论我国的利益集团

    On Organizational Functions of Interest Groups in Modern Society and Interest Groups in China

  26. 安徽托力建筑节能科技有限公司与上海现代建筑设计集团科技中心联合成立建筑节能产品研发中心,以此推动建筑节能技术不断创新进步。

    Anhui toly building Energy-efficiencv technology co , . ltd and the Shanghai modern architectural design group to set up a joint technology center construction and energy-saving products research the center , and thus promote the construction of energy-saving technologies constantly innovate progress .

  27. 权吴升认为,韩国的“权力集中在极少数人手中”,并将三星、现代汽车、现代集团(hyundaigroup)、lg、sk和斗山(doosan)列为罪魁祸首。

    Mr Kwon argues that in Korea " power is concentrated in too few hands " , singling out Samsung , Hyundai Motor , Hyundai Group , LG , SK and Doosan as the main offenders .

  28. 现代日本企业的集团意识有其深厚的历史渊源。

    The group awareness of modern Japanese enterprises has a profound historical origins .

  29. 现代经济中,集团化企业越来越成为市场经济的主力,集团公司利益呈现一体化特征。

    In modern economy , group corporations dominate the market , and pursue integrated interests .

  30. 本文拟从现代政治学、制度经济学、决策论以及博弈论等多维视野,对现代美国利益集团的组织原理、作用形式和作用机制,作一个比较系统的深入考察。

    This paper aims at studying the American interest , groups ' organizing theory , action form and action mechanism mainly from the angle of politics theory .