
  1. 只有你的家庭医生才能把你介绍给外科医生。

    Only your family doctor can refer you to a surgeon .

  2. 只有你自己才能决定什么适合你。

    You alone should determine what is right for you

  3. 她挥舞着双手说,“只有你才干得出来,不是吗?”

    She threw her hands into the air . ' That is just typical of you , isn 't it ? '

  4. 只有你自己才可决定谁适合你。

    You alone should determine who is right for you .

  5. 只有你能做这事。

    You alone can do it .

  6. 在提出这些改进建议时,我必须说明,我们关心的只有你的利益,请相信我。

    In offering these suggestions for improvement , I must explain that I only have your interests at heart , believe me .

  7. 当你笑时,整个世界同你一起欢笑,当你哭泣时,却只有你一人独自悲哀。

    Laugh and the world laughs with you , weep and you weep alone .

  8. 这个孩子回答道:“不是的,先生,我只是不忍心看着只有你自己站在这里。”

    The kid replied , " No sir , I just didn 't want to see you standing there all by yourself . "

  9. 我的成长过程中只有你,你承担了所有责任,把一个小男孩养育成为一个令您自豪的男子汉。

    Growing up it was just the two of us , you had all the responsibility of raising young boy into a man you could be proud of .

  10. 而只有你才能告诉我们哪个词最合适。

    And only you can tell us which word that is .

  11. 你有你的工作,你的娱乐,你的朋友,而我只有你。

    You have your work , your entertainment and your friend .

  12. 只有你和我知道这件事。

    You and I are the only ones who know this .

  13. 只有你这样有胆识的制作人才能做到。

    Only a producer of your courage could get it made .

  14. 我奇怪,在所有人当中只有你想着那件事。

    I 'm surprised that you of all people think that .

  15. 你是说只有你和你伯伯。

    And you say it 's just you and your uncle .

  16. 镜子里没有阿狸。只有你。

    There is no Ali in the mirror , but you .

  17. 只有你能对所做的好事下赌注。

    Only you could feel like crap about doing something good .

  18. 唯一能打败你的人只有你自己。

    No one can make you feel inferior without your consent .

  19. 只有你才是那个必须发现挣钱方式的人。

    It 's you that must find the way of making money .

  20. 到现在我才意识到唯一重要的只有你。

    Then I realized the only thing that matters is that you .

  21. 真正拖你后腿的人是只有你自己。

    The only person that can truly hold you back is yourself .

  22. 只有你和我知道这个秘码。

    It 's only you and I that know the secret code .

  23. 只有你乌黑的秀发才配得上它!

    Only your lovely black hair could make it seem more beautiful !

  24. 我们将是没事,只有你和我。

    We 'll be all right , just you and I.

  25. 只有你的陪伴才能使我的世界再次光彩熠熠。

    My world would be bright again if only you were here .

  26. 你有只有你才有一样东西,那就是我。

    Except the one thing nobody else has but you is me .

  27. 只有你逃出这宫殿,才能说的了。

    You can only say when you can escape from this palace .

  28. 我还能说我的心属于只有你了。

    I can still say my heart belongs to only you now .

  29. 只有你不想,没有做不到。

    Nothing can 't be done , only limited in your imagination .

  30. 只有你赢得她芳心,记得吗?

    You were the one that tooj her home , remember that .