
  1. 当你笑时,整个世界同你一起欢笑,当你哭泣时,却只有你一人独自悲哀。

    Laugh and the world laughs with you , weep and you weep alone .

  2. 因为你比别人快,所以只有你一人。

    You 're alone ' cause you 're faster than the others .

  3. 却只有你一人被下了药

    and you were the only one who got drugged ?

  4. 我也知这经常只有你一人工作!

    I know that , you are the only one who is hard working !

  5. 只有你一人能和瑞金娜硬碰硬还占上风

    The only person I 've ever seen go headtohead with Regina and win is you .

  6. 如果你感到对生活中未了断的事情而深陷其中,感觉如此的并非只有你一人。

    If you feel bogged down by all the unfinished business in your life , you 're not alone .

  7. 然而,如果事实证明只有你一人在这方面受到了不公正待遇,激烈反抗没有害处。

    However , if it turns out to be only you who has been short-changed in this way , then there is no harm in kicking up rough .

  8. 孤独感不是只有你独自一人的时候才会到来,

    Loneliness does not just come when you are alone ;