
xiàn chǎnɡ zhǐ huī
  • Command at the scene;floor manager
  1. 现场指挥中心还可以通过本地的GIS系统时时监控现场各移动终端的位置情况。

    Local command center can ever and again watch the position of mobile terminals through local GIS system .

  2. 为新聘的消防队长而设的训练课程,除基本的灭火及救援技巧外,更包括现场指挥及控制的环节。

    Courses for recruit Station Officers also cover incident command-and-control elements .

  3. 你喜欢进行参谋还是现场指挥?为什么?

    Do you prefer staff or line work ? Why ?

  4. 机场现场指挥自动化系统的设计

    The Design of Automatic Command System on Airport

  5. 并听从现场指挥协助做好扑救工作。

    They must comply with instruction of commander at fire scene and assist to put out a fire .

  6. 另外,保安也应覆盖现场指挥中心和伤检分类区域。

    Additionally , security support should be provided for the on scene command center as well as the Triage area .

  7. 紧急警务现场指挥既有一般指挥活动的基本属性,也有其特殊性。

    Two key problems about unified rapid scheduling and unified cooperation action should be solved in police emergency response on-the-spot commanding .

  8. (五)拒不执行火场指挥员指挥,影响灭火救灾的;为新聘的消防队长而设的训练课程,除基本的灭火及救援技巧外,更包括现场指挥及控制的环节。

    ( V ) Those who refuse to obey the command of fire site commander and influence fire fighting and rescue work ; Courses for recruit Station Officers also cover incident command-and-control elements .

  9. 本文旨在给出一种简单、实用的方法,以便在某些参数超出允许限的条件下,为现场指挥决策提供系统有关的定量信息。

    This paper is intended to give a simplified and practical method for providing quantitative informations to the commander on spot to make decision about the system when certain parameters are outside the permissible limits .

  10. 8月6日,墨西哥人气最旺的足球俱乐部瓜达拉哈拉队竟在不同国家内连续进行了两场比赛,而现场指挥球队的均为该队主教练何塞·拉托雷。

    MEXICO CITY ( Reuters ) - Guadalajara , Mexico 's most popular club , played two games in different countries on Sunday with coach Jose Manuel de la Torre in charge of the team at both .

  11. 它能够再现高层建筑和大型建筑内部结构,在平时便于消防检查,在火灾发生时可用于现场指挥,因此本课题具有一定的实际意义。

    This software can reappear structure inside of high layer architecture and big architecture . It can do some fire protection inspection at peacetime and command in locale when fire is occurring , So this problem has great actual meaning .

  12. 必须树立以谈判专家为中心的人质解救理念,从制定科学的培训计划、应急预案、现场指挥体系和现场处置策略等方面着手,以此才能架构起长效的危机处理机制。

    In order to build an effective long-term system to deal with such a crisis , the police should bear in mind the theory of setting negotiation experts as the center in rescuing hostages which incorporates scientific training plans , emergency programs , on-the-spot command systems and on-the-spot strategies .

  13. 基于GIS的城市地震现场搜救指挥辅助决策系统研究汶川特大地震后民营企业恢复重建的调查分析与救助模式

    Study on the Auxiliary Decision-Making System for Urban Earthquake Disaster On-Site Searching and Rescuing ; The Diagnoses and Assistance Mode on Reconstructions of Private Enterprises in Wenchuan Post-earthquake

  14. 地震现场应急指挥技术系统的结构与设计

    Structure and design of emergency command system in earthquake site

  15. 街道办事处成了开展社区建设的现场作战指挥中心。

    So , the sub districts Office become the live command center that carrying out community building .

  16. 地震实时灾情信息是政府部门开展救援工作的基础,也是地震现场应急指挥决策的重要依据。

    Seismic real-time Disaster is the foundation of government rescue work , and also the important basis of earthquake site emergency command decision-making .

  17. 从报告上来看,现场的指挥调度在机场指挥中心发挥功能以前,似乎有些迟缓或是不知所措。

    From reports , the Command and Control at scene appeared to be in a wait mode or perplexed state until the ACC was functional .

  18. 本次作业的现场总指挥郭杰表示,潜水钟在南海海底的巡回深度达到313.5米。

    The diving bell actually reached a depth of 313.5 meters under the South China Sea , according to Guo Jie , on-site chief director of the experiment .

  19. 由交通部高层领导率领的民航技术专家已经到达了空难现场,指挥善后处理和事故调查。

    A team headed by senior leaders from the Ministry of Transportation , which consists of civil aviation technical experts , has arrived at the scene , conducting relief and investigation .

  20. 为什么在现场内和指挥系统内没有体现紧迫性?

    Why was there no sense of urgency on the playing field or with in the command system ?

  21. 组织指挥者应当培养良好的现代现场勘查组织指挥意识&正确处理好轻重缓急关系的效率意识;

    Organizing commanders should develop sound modern consciousnesses of organizing and commanding crime scene investigation-the efficiency consciousness of dealing with cases in order of importance and urgency ;

  22. 面积16英亩的爆炸现场处于统一指挥之下:挖掘者是城市执法官员和消防员,市规划建筑局的工程师,以及一批工会工人。

    The16-acre Ground Zero site is under a unified command : the diggers are city law enforcement officers and firefighters , engineers from the city 's Department of design and construction , and an army of union laborers .

  23. 警方立刻封锁了该区域,丘吉尔,作为当时对警方负责的部长,到达现场对行动进行指挥。

    The police cordoned off the area and Churchill , who was the minister responsible for policing at the time , arrived and took command of the operation .

  24. 游客较多时,会出现排队时间较长的情况,请游客予以理解,服从现场工作人员的指挥,自觉排队,相互尊重。

    If there are too many people , the queue time may take long , Please obey the direction of attendants and respect each other follow the regulations of queuing .

  25. 我们承诺向主施工承包商详尽了解电离辐射场所,了解施工承包商的安全距离要求、标识及现场安全人员的指挥。

    We promise to understand in detail the place for ionizing radiation from the main construction contractor , understand the safe distance requirements and marks of the main contraction contractor , and obey the guide of site safety personnel .

  26. 应急时,当管线监督未到现场时,担任第一时间的现场指挥。

    To be site commander before pipeline superintendent arrives during emergency .

  27. 在火灾现场,系统能够通过简单配置达到现场终端现场指挥车指挥中心三位一体的效果。并通过无线网络实现各部分间多媒体信息的交互。

    In a fire spot , the system can keep the communication of the spot terminal , the spot commanding car and commanding center by easy configure , and it implement the multimedia information exchange in every part by the wireless network .

  28. 加强机坪现场管理,提高保障服务质量&温州机场设立现场指挥中心刍议

    Strengthening the Apron Management Improving the Service Quality