
  • 网络ramla;Ramle;Ramleh
  1. 阿瑟甚至不知道拉姆拉有没有经历过古生代。

    Arthur didn 't even know if Lamuella had had a paleozoic era .

  2. 他以为自己会待在拉姆拉,做一辈子的三明治。

    He had reckoned he was here on Lamuella , making sandwiches for good .

  3. 在住惯了拉姆拉的阿瑟眼里,这个问题简单得可爱。

    This had been a pleasantly simple matter for Arthur , here on Lamuella .

  4. 在一盏拉姆拉提灯投下的光圈里躺着阿瑟的手表。

    In the pool of light thrown by a Lamuellan lantern lay Arthur 's watch .

  5. 在拉姆拉发生了些事情,而他心里有种可怕的感觉,觉得那事儿就是他自己。

    Something had happened here on Lamuella , and Arthur had a horrible feeling that it was him .

  6. 它们对拉姆拉人的生活太过重要,重要到没人愿意打听。

    They were so important to the lives of the Lamuellans , it was almost as if nobody liked to ask .

  7. 在拉姆拉,别说没有电子俱乐部,这儿压根就没有任何俱乐部,而且,事实上,也没有电。

    Not only were there no electric clubs on Lamuella , there were no clubs at all and , in fact , no electricity .

  8. 甘地同时也为一条连接克什米尔北部城镇巴拉姆拉和南部城镇安南塔那加的铁路举行了典礼,并称这两个项目为一项壮举。

    Gandhi also inaugurated a rail link connecting Kashmir 's northern town Baramulla with a southern town Anantnag and called both projects an achievement .

  9. 拉姆拉每三百天绕自己唯一的太阳转一圈,这是个好数字,因为它意味着一年的时间不会拖拖拉拉地老过不完。

    The planet orbited its single sun every three hundred days , which was a good number because it meant the year didn 't drag by .

  10. 拉姆拉猎人做这个动作的时候,外人看了觉得简直易如反掌,其实并非如此,而阿瑟.邓特已经做好心理准备,知道自己可能会发现这个部分稍微有些困难。

    Certainly it is not as easy as the Lamuellan hunters made it seem , and Arthur Dent was prepared to discover that this might turn out to be the difficult bit .

  11. 类似的场景阿瑟见过。有时候,某个年轻,缺乏经验的拉姆拉猎人会笨手笨脚地抓时机,没等把猎物引出轰隆隆,砰砰砰就下手,阿瑟见识过那头绝对正常兽最后的下场。

    Arthur had seen what remained of any Perfectly Normal Beast which , as the result of a clumsy mis-throw by a young and inexperienced Lamuellan hunter , got speared while still thundering and pounding with the herd .

  12. 真正的宇宙,这其中包括了她老妈把她抛下不管的这颗行星拉姆拉,还包括这个碰巧把宝贵而神奇的生命礼物赐给她的男人,尽管他其实只是为了升级舱位。

    And that included this Lamuella place her mother had dumped her in . And it also included this person who had bestowed on her this precious and magical gift of life in return for a seat upgrade .

  13. 月亮绕拉姆拉公转的次数大约是每年九圈,这意味着一个月有三十天多一点,简直完美极了,因为这么一来你就可以多点时间干你想干的事儿。

    The moon orbited Lamuella just over nine times a year , which meant that a month was a little over thirty days , which was absolutely perfect because it gave you a little more time to get things done in .

  14. 在拉姆拉,太阳和月亮的数量也让他觉得亲切——每样一个——跟他过去停留过的某些星球完全不同,有的地方太阳月亮简直多得可笑。

    He also felt at home with the number of suns and moons which Lamuella had one of each as opposed to some of the planets he 'd fetched up on from time to time which had had ridiculous numbers of them .

  15. 在许多地方你都可以一览拉姆拉葱郁的风光,但吸引他的只有这里,恐惧和痛苦汇成挥之不去的阴暗角落,刚好在他视线的尽头若隐若现。

    There were plenty of spots from which you could survey the lush rolling countryside of Lamuella , but this was the one he was drawn to , with its nagging dark spot of fear and pain nestling just on the edge of his vision .

  16. 村里有个铁匠铺,一个面包房,几辆手推车和一口井,但这些就是拉姆拉科技的顶点,兰登的怒气很大一部分都是针对这地方完全无法理解的落后状态。

    There was a forge and a bakery , a few carts and a well , but those were the high water mark of Lamuellan technology , and a fair number of Random 's unquenchable rages were directed against the sheer incomprehensible backwardness of the place .