
  • 网络modern disease;modern illness
  1. 肥胖症已经成为影响并危害人类健康的一种现代病,其发病机制非常复杂。

    Obesity is becoming a modern disease that is threatening human health and its pathogenesis is extremely complex .

  2. 最后在强调现代道德建设必须抑制现代化膨胀的基础上,探讨了道德建设如何控制并抑制现代病的问题。

    Finally on the base of view that moral construction must restrict expansion of modernization , it seeks for the problem how to control and restrain the modern disease for moral construction .

  3. 突然之间,自行车好像成了医治油价,污染和肥胖等许多现代病的一剂良方。

    Suddenly a bicycle seems like the remedy for many modern ills , from petrol prices to pollution and obesity .

  4. 相应地,墨西哥则成了被现代病所困扰着的整个现代社会的缩影;

    In such a fable , Mexico , which haunted by modem nightmares , becomes the miniature of the whole modem society ;

  5. 微生物群的某些变化会导致肥胖以及其它一些现代病,或者说西方病。

    that certain changes in the microbiome do lead to obesity , and a number of other modern , kind of Westernized diseases .

  6. 鉴此,脑血辨证针对现代病、富贵病等,尤其是中医脑病、血病提出了新的辨证理论体系。

    Therefore , Nao-Xue differentiation puts forward new way of differentiation for contemporary illness , rich and honorable illness etc , especially cerebral illness and blood-illness of TCM .

  7. 随着社会的进步,各种现代病逐步被人们所重视,人们开始注意参加锻炼,太极拳就是一种很好的健身方法。

    With the development of society , many modern diseases have attracted people 's attention , and people begin to pay more time on body exercise , while Taijiquan is one of their beat choice to practice to improve their health .

  8. 骨质疏松症(Oste6porosis,缩写OP)被看作成为现代文明病。

    Osteoporosis ( OP ) is regarded as modern civilization illness .

  9. 现代城市病诊断、防治与生态调控的初步构想

    Study of Diagnosing , Preventing and Controlling Illnesses of Modern Cities

  10. 现代都市病大盘点大豆根腐病的研究

    Modern times study on root rot disease of soybean

  11. 首先,论述了饮食与现代文明病的关系。

    First of all , it discusses between diet and the Civilization disease .

  12. 现代文明病和国民体育锻炼

    Modern Disease and National Practice in Sports

  13. 现代组织病探微

    A Detailed Study of Modern Organizational Disease

  14. 以上研究结果可以给现代中风病治疗提供有价值的参考和借鉴。

    These results can provide valuable references and help for the modern treatments of stroke .

  15. 现代城市病与城市规划

    Contemporary Urban Disease and City Planning

  16. 也是预防与治疗现代文明病、城市病的一种有效方法。

    Prevent and treat modern civil disease , an effective method of the urban disease too .

  17. 健康与长寿是人们追求和期盼的美好愿望,也是文明发展的标志。但科学技术进步给人类带来福祉的同时,也带来所谓的现代文明病。

    Health and longevity are people 's common desire and the symbol of the development of civilization .

  18. 被誉为现代文明病之一的肥胖病越来越普遍。

    Obesity , known as " the modem civilized disease ", has become more and more popular .

  19. 单纯性肥胖是一种现代文明病。引发肥胖症的原因很多。

    Simple obesity is a so called modern civilization disease , which results supposedly from many causes , i.

  20. 城市交通拥堵,事故频发已成为现代城市病的重症之一。

    Nowadays , traffic jams and frequent accidents have been being one of the weighed modern urban diseases .

  21. 现代职业病走向现代化

    Modern occupational diseases modernized

  22. 久坐生活方式给人类的健康带来极大威胁,造成现代文明病的蔓延。

    The sedentary life style brings enormous threat to humanity 's health , and noncontagious chronic diseases ( NCD ) run rampant .

  23. 本课题证明,脑血辨证脑病证候对中风病具有较好的适用性,其病因病机更加符合现代中风病的特征,有利于指导治疗,提高治愈率。

    Its pathogenic factor and pathogenesis further accord with feature of present-day apoplexy . It is beneficial to guide treatment and advance curing rate .

  24. 他要用湘西世界中人性的美好和生命的健康、自然,来对现代文明病进行救赎。

    He wants to redeem the diseases of modern civilization with good humanity and healthy , natural life , which are found in Western Hunan .

  25. 在现代传染病的治疗中,中医疗法的介入起到了很大的作用。

    In the modern treatment of infectious diseases , the involvement of Chinese medicine in the treatment of many infectious diseases has played a significant role .

  26. 这种变化主要体现在经济的持续增长,物质条件的丰富,高度的机械化和自动化使余暇时间增多,同时现代文明病加剧了对人类身心健康的侵扰。

    The changes are mainly embodied in the increase of leisure time , the material conditions of rich and " modern civilization disease " for human health of body and mind intrusion .

  27. 社会的发展又促使现代文明病滋生,在人类面对新的生存发展挑战面前,花钱买健康,体育消费又成为提高生活质量、改造人、发展人的有力手段。

    Social developments spur " modern civilization disease " . Facing new challenges of exists and development , spending money in health and sports consumption became a powerful means of improving sublime quality , reconstructing and expanding people .

  28. 诸如此类的现代文明病引起社会尤其是科研人员的极大关注。如何使电视机、电脑等视频终端产品扬利除弊、变害为益,是当今科技界研究的重大课题。

    It has been a task of great weight in the science and technology circle that how to use properly video displays terminals ( VDTS ) such as TV sets and computers and stay away from their harmfulness .

  29. 这个部分分别从饮食养生防病和饮食调养改善疾病两个方面进行论述,以阐明现代文明病在历代中医饮食养生防病理论指导下可达到预防及改善的目的。

    This section discusses in two segment , that how to reacquired health by diet and regimen , it could be illuminate the Civilization diseases can be prevented and improved under the guidance from theory of ancient Chinese regimen .

  30. 现代城市病是城市发展的障碍.城市规划的失误是产生城市病的重要原因.对城市生态危机、交通阻塞及旧城改造诸方面存在的问题和解决的办法进行了有益的探讨。

    The contemporary urban disease is the obstacle in the city development . The misplay in the city planning is the important reason of producing city disease . To these problems such as ecological crisis , traffic jam , and old city reconstruction , etc.