
  • 网络Soviet Marxism
  1. 摘要当代中国文化是由中国传统本位文化、苏联马克思主义文化和西方的自由主义文化构成的。

    Contemporary Chinese culture consists of traditional Chinese culture , Marxist culture through the Soviet Union and western liberalistic culture .

  2. 中国现代文艺理论中的现实主义思想更多地接受苏联马克思主义理论的影响,具有较浓郁的社会主义现实主义色彩。

    Realism in modern Chinese literary and artistic theory was influence by the Soviet Union . As a result , it has the traits of socialistic realism .

  3. 第二部分通过对前苏联马克思主义哲学观和西方马克思主义的马克思主义哲学观的辨析,旨在阐明前苏联的马克思主义哲学观是对马克思哲学观的僵化、教条化、机械化的理解;

    Part Two discriminates the Ex-Soviet Marxist Philosophy and Western Marxists ' Marxist Philosophy , intent on expounding the fact that the Ex-Soviet Marxist Philosophy simply sticks to , dogmatize and even mechanize the Marxist Philosophy .

  4. 从世界范围来看,迄今为止,马克思主义文艺理论的传播形成了苏联马克思主义文艺理论、西方马克思主义文艺理论和中国马克思主义文艺理论等三大分支。

    In terms of the world scope , the dissemination of Marxist theory of literature and art has led to the existence of three major branches-the Soviet Marxist theory , the Western Marxist theory and the Chinese Marxist theory .

  5. 总体把握苏联时期马克思主义哲学的几点意见

    Grasping Marxist Philosophy in the Period of USSR

  6. 发源于二十年代的中国马克思主义文论体系,与苏联的马克思主义文论(简称苏马文论)有着极为密切的联系。

    Originated in the 1920s , Chinese Marxist Literary Theory System has close contact with the Soviet Marxist Literary Theory .

  7. 解放后,俄罗斯哲学(苏联时期马克思主义哲学)进入我国哲学界的研究视野。

    The study of Russian philosophy ( Marxist philosophy in the era of USSR ) entered the domain of philosophical research in China after the liberation .

  8. 伯林认为前苏联的马克思主义者秉承了马克思的核心理念,并且在事实上全面的展开了马克思的理论。

    Berlin believes that the Marxists in former Soviet Union have acted in accordance with the core concepts of Marx and developes the Marxism theory on the basis of facts comprehensively .

  9. 列宁与斯大林的哲学观是马克思主义发展史中的一种特殊形态即苏联化的马克思主义哲学。

    Lenin and Stalin 's philosophy is the development of Marxism in the history of a special form of the Soviet Union-oriented philosophy of Marxism .