
  • 网络The Death of Socrates
  1. 苏格拉底之死新假说

    New Hypothesis on the Death of Socrates

  2. 重读苏格拉底之死

    Interpretation of the Death of Socrates

  3. 本文从黑格尔论苏格拉底之死来对伦理与道德是互动的、流变的关系作一分析。

    This paper analyses the evolution between ethic and moral .

  4. 苏格拉底之死与中国语境下的法律信仰

    Death of Socrates with the Chinese in the Context of Legal Belief

  5. 肉体沉重与心灵超越&论苏格拉底之死

    The Heavy Body and Its Original Spirit - On the Death of Socrates

  6. 来自苏格拉底之死的震撼&对《斐多》的美学解读

    Shock from Socrates ' Death : Understand PHAEDO in Terms of Literature and Art

  7. 苏格拉底之死与殉道

    Socrates ′ Death and Martyrdom & On the Differences of Personality between China and the West

  8. 苏格拉底之死与耶稣之死都是西方思想史上的意义事件。

    Both Socrates ′ and Jesus ′ deaths were meaningful events in the western history of thoughts .

  9. 哲人的自知、自辩与自卫&论由苏格拉底之死而来的哲学的政治转向

    Philosophers self-knowledge self-justification and self-guard & Comments on the death of Socrates brought about the turning of political philosophy

  10. 当1787年这幅画在沙龙里展出时,立即被公认为以苏格拉底之死为题材的画中的极品。

    When the picture was exhibited at the Salon of1787 , it was at once judged the finest of the Socratic ends .

  11. 苏格拉底之死本身就是一个“悖论”伦理审判与法律契约的冲突如何得到价值的“和解”。

    Socrates ′ death itself is a paradox : how ethic judgment and legal contract ′ s clashes are reconciled by value .

  12. 从阿喀琉斯之死到苏格拉底之死&苏格拉底哲学的荷马背景分析

    From " the Death of Achilles " to " the Death of Socrates " & An Analysis on the Homer Background of Socrates ' Philosophy

  13. 柏拉图接受了苏格拉底之死所传达的哲学与政治的永恒冲突的警示,走向了言辞中的城邦。

    Plato accepted the caution of the eternal conflict between philosophy and politics which was conducted by the death of Socrates , and he tended to the city-state of speech .

  14. 苏格拉底之死是灵魂生活的启示,哲学就是自愿为死亡作准备,是实践死亡的艺术。

    The death of Socrates is the revelation of the life of the psyche , the philosophy means preparing to die of free will , it is an art of practising death .

  15. 柏拉图对绝对美的反复追寻、理念论对真正尺度的探求,以及对爱欲的论述和文艺政策的设计,均导源于苏格拉底之死所带给他的震撼。

    Plato , to definitely beautiful pursuing repeatedly , to seeking real yardstick , to argumentation love and design the policy of literature and art all come from death of Socrates bring his shock .

  16. 当我们读到苏格拉底之死,我们是否会认为那是一场悲剧,道德悲剧,一名正义之士被不公的法律判处死刑?

    When we look at the death of Socrates , do we think of it as a tragedy , as a moral tragedy ,? a just man sentenced to death by an unjust law ?

  17. 苏格拉底与雅典的冲突导致苏格拉底之死是西方哲学史上一个具有重大深意的事件。

    That the conflict between Socrates and Athens causes the death of Socrates have important and profound significance in the history of Western philosophy .