
  • 网络Improper integral;flaw integral
  1. 主要探讨了从函数自身的性质判定无穷积分敛散性的方法,并将其推广到瑕积分。

    In this paper , it gives a criteria of convergence of infinite integral about the positive function and expands it on the defect integral .

  2. 本文对于顶点为奇点的二维矩形域上的瑕积分的近似计算给出了优化复化梯形数值算法,并通过几个计算实例证明优化复化梯形数值算法所得结果的相对误差是目前几种方法中最小的。

    This paper presents an optimum numerical algorithm of compound trapezoidal rule of singular integrals over two dimensional rectangular domains with vertex singularities . A few examples are given .