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xiá cī
  • flaw;imperfection;blemish;spot;blame;mar;minor fault;moil
瑕疵 [xiá cī]
  • (1) [spot]∶本指玉的疵病,喻微小的缺点,后泛指一切缺点

  • 指前人之瑕疵。--唐. 韩愈《进学解》

  • (2) [blame]∶指摘毛病

瑕疵[xiá cī]
  1. 这是颗大钻石,但它有一点瑕疵。

    It was a large diamond , but it had a flaw .

  2. 它没有一点瑕疵。

    It had no little flaw .

  3. 加纳在人权方面并非毫无瑕疵。

    Ghana does not have an unblemished record on human rights .

  4. 每条连衣裙都缝上了褶边,并经过严格的检查,不允许有任何瑕疵。

    Each dress is hemmed and scrupulously checked for imperfections .

  5. 有必要逐件检查一下是否有明显的瑕疵。

    It 's worth checking each item for obvious flaws

  6. 虽然有一些瑕疵,演出还是一举获得了成功。

    The show , despite some rough edges , was an instant success .

  7. 她化了浓妆,精致得让人挑不出一丝瑕疵。

    She had a lot of make-up on and not a hair out of place .

  8. 他们有大量完好的、略有瑕疵的以及已停产的炊具、冰箱和其他货品可供选择。

    They have a huge selection of perfect , slightly imperfect and discontinued cookers , fridges and so on .

  9. 每一件物品都经过严格检查,稍有瑕疵就会被退回。

    Every piece is closely scrutinised , and if there is the slightest blemish on it , it is rejected .

  10. 她的作文毫无瑕疵。

    Her composition is flawless .

  11. 这块玉石看起来没有瑕疵。

    This jade looks flawless .

  12. 很明显,世界上不存在什么“完美无瑕”的记忆——他们产生非凡记忆力的工具和我们普通人所依赖的是一样有瑕疵的。

    Clearly , there is no such thing as a " perfect " memory — their extraordinary minds are still using the same flawed tools that the rest of us rely on .

  13. 有瑕疵的法律胜于不确定的法律。

    Law that is deficient is better than law that is uncertain .

  14. 通知应包括对瑕疵的描述。

    The notice shall contain a description of the defect .

  15. 许多人向往水晶般的爱情——晶莹剔透没有一点瑕疵。

    Most of people are looking forward the crystal-like love — pure without anydefect .

  16. 祖先的各种瑕疵都渐渐显露出来

    The blemishes of ancestors appear .

  17. 他在声明中说:“我们经常过于关注蔬果的外貌,而不是味道。一旦苹果削皮切片,它曾经有点瑕疵或者长得不那么好看就根本不是事儿。”

    He said in a statement : ' We often focus too much on the look of produce rather than the taste . Once you peel or cut an apple you can 't tell it once had a blemish5 or was misshapen .

  18. 一种基于改进的BP神经网络算法的布匹瑕疵分类器

    A Fabric Flaws Classifier Based On Improved BP Neural Network Algorithm

  19. 基于时空统计的CCD瑕疵检测校正新方法

    A novel method for detecting and correcting CCD image malfunction pixels based on spatial and temporal statistics

  20. 提出一种基于聚类分析和支持向量机(SVM)的布匹瑕疵分类方法。

    Presents an efficient method of fabric defect classification based on cluster analysis and support vector machine ( SVM ) .

  21. 然而,作为产品,Windows的瑕疵却源于微软与其潜在对手的密切合作&即便这是出于自身利益的原因。

    Yet the flaw in Windows as a product stems from the fact that Microsoft co-operates closely with its potential rivals , albeit for reasons of self-interest .

  22. 基于Gabor滤波器的布匹瑕疵自动检测方法

    Gabor Filter-Based Automatic Textile Defect Detection

  23. 最近针对中国产品瑕疵和召回事件(涉及牙膏、轮胎、托马斯坦克引擎(thomasthetankengine)玩具等各种产品)的“病毒式”攻击,将造成持续多年的诉讼。

    The recent viral attack of Chinese product flaws and recalls on everything from toothpaste to tyres to Thomas the tank engine toys will spawn years of litigation .

  24. Story表示唱歌在某些方面更容易模拟,因为它往往会有长的、持续的元音,更精准的高音,掩盖瑕疵的配乐。

    Story says singing is in some ways easier to simulate , because it tends to have long , sustained vowels , a more precise pitch , and a musical score to mask the imperfections .

  25. 有些大中城市C级GPS网,由于生产单位对规范要求理解不同,在建立GPS控制网时,有很大的随意性,致使很多城市平面控制网留有瑕疵。

    Because the ways to make GPS control nets are so random that different companies have different understandings to the specifications of surveys , many horizontal control nets in many big cities have some fault .

  26. 我们首先得到Φ(u,w)的瑕疵离散更新方程,利用控制收敛定理得出Φ(0,w)的显式解;

    At first , we obtain the defective discrete renewal equation of expected discounted penalty . The exact solution of Φ( 0 ,ω) is obtained by applying dominated convergence theorem .

  27. 在瑕疵分类方面,本文采用了基于前馈神经网络结构式(BP)的自学习算法,实验结果表明,这种方法可以有效地提高分类效果,使之符合用户的需求。

    To classify the defects effectively , a novel learning method based on BP is employed . Experiments shows that the proposed approach efficiently improves the result of classifying and well fulfills the users requirement .

  28. 为此本文采用了一种基于奇异值分解(SVD)的机织物瑕疵检测算法。

    We propose a woven fabric defect detection algorithms which based on singular value decomposition ( SVD ) of woven fabric defect detection .

  29. WIRTGENCHINA未能修复瑕疵的,买方有权确定一个合理的时限,在该时限内WIRTGENCHINA必须完成进一步的修复或更换工作。

    In the event WIRTGEN CHINA fails to remedy the defects in question , the Buyer is entitled to specify a realistic period of time within which WIRTGEN CHINA must complete further repairs or replacement .

  30. 数字射线成像(DR)系统中,图像中的噪声是影响图像质量的重要因素之一,给图像分析和缺陷(尤其是微细瑕疵)识别带来了困难。

    In digital radiographic ( DR ) system , noise is one of the important factors that influences image quality . It becomes very difficult for image analysis and flaw discrimination , especially some faint ones .