
kāi mù
  • open;inaugurate;The curtain rises;begin the performance
开幕 [kāi mù]
  • (1) [inaugurate;the curtain rises]∶表演开始时拉开舞台前的幕,亦指开场

  • 戏已开幕,迟到观众暂停入场

  • (2) [open]∶展览会、会议等开始

  • 展览会明天开幕

开幕[kāi mù]
  1. 明天市长将在市政厅宣布大会开幕。

    The Mayor will open the proceedings at the City Hall tomorrow .

  2. 他们郑重其事地剪彩,宣布展览开幕。

    They ceremoniously cut a piece of ribbon , declaring the exhibition open

  3. 欧洲颂歌在开幕式和闭幕式上演奏。

    The European anthem was played at the opening and closing ceremonies .

  4. 观众在等待开幕。

    The audience was waiting for the curtain to rise .

  5. 新落成的剧院由市长主持了开幕典礼。

    The new theatre was inaugurated by the mayor .

  6. 这次会议在星期六中午12点开幕。

    The conference opens at 12 noon on Saturday .

  7. 正式开幕拟在十月。

    The official opening is planned for October .

  8. 他们回来参加本赛季的开幕赛。

    They returned to take part in the season 's opening game .

  9. 星期三一个摄影展在皇家艺术学院开幕。

    A photographic exhibition opens at the Royal College of Art on Wednesday

  10. 从某些方面来说,正式的开幕仪式只不过是走个形式。

    In some ways , the official opening is a formality

  11. 然后就在开幕式开始之前,她决定要宣布一件激动人心的事情。

    She then decided right before the opening to make a dramatic announcement .

  12. 9个开幕气球第二天还有4个飘在空中。

    Four of the nine starting balloons were still aloft the next day .

  13. 绚丽多彩的开幕式过后,这场比赛在74,000名观众的瞩目之下开始了。

    The game followed a colourful opening ceremony before a crowd of seventy-four thousand .

  14. 大会在开幕式结束后可能要再开会。

    The conference might reconvene after its opening session

  15. 一位著名的电视明星主持了该次展览的正式开幕典礼。

    A well-known television personality did the honours at the official opening of the show .

  16. 星期一的正式开幕式上,科学家、商界人士和其他各色人等齐聚一堂。

    Scientists , business people , and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening

  17. 他的展览于2月5日开幕。

    His exhibition opens on 5 February

  18. 他的开幕讲话搞砸了。

    He muffed his opening speech .

  19. 数万人一直在工人体育馆为开幕式进行排练。

    Tens of thousands of people have been rehearsing for the opening ceremony in the workers ' stadium

  20. 狂欢节开幕进行得几乎是一帆风顺,警方只报告了一例拘捕。

    The carnival got off to a virtually trouble-free start with the police reporting only one arrest .

  21. 代表大会开幕时进行了一分钟的默哀,以怀念在斗争中牺牲的人。

    The congress opened with a minute 's silence in memory of those who died in the struggle .

  22. 该基金会将在美国艺术博物馆举办宴会,庆祝新展览的开幕。

    The Foundation is holding a dinner at the Museum of American Art in honour of the opening of their new show .

  23. 大雨使开幕式延迟了1个小时。

    The rain delayed the opening ceremony for one hour .

  24. 他们热烈欢呼大会开幕。

    They warmly acclaimed the opening of the conference .

  25. 多数北京市民在电视上观看了第29届奥运会开幕式。

    Most Beijing citizens saw the opening ceremony of the 29th Olympic Games on TV .

  26. 会议原计划于三月开幕。

    The conference was originally planned to open in March .

  27. 展览会开幕的日期延迟了。

    The opening of the exhibition has been postponed .

  28. 大会于6月24日正式开幕。

    The conference formally opened on June 24 .

  29. 开幕式典礼是个壮观的场面。

    The opening ceremony was a fine spectacle .

  30. 会议于昨天隆重开幕。

    The conference was solemnly opened yesterday .