
kāi pán jià ɡé
  • see also 开盘价
  1. 我可能应该从这里进行赋值,也就是开盘价格。

    I probably should have had it being the , starting here , right , the opening price .

  2. 该股上周五开盘价格为每股42.05美元,但迅速跌至发行价每股38美元,昨日纽约午盘徘徊在每股35美元附近。

    The stock opened at $ 42.05 on Friday , but quickly fell to its issue price of $ 38 , and was yesterday hovering at around $ 35 during afternoon trading in New York .

  3. 虽然在非交易时段,投资者不能够进行投资操作,但是这些信息不仅影响着股票在非交易时段后的开盘价格,而且也会对之后的交易时段股票的走势造成一定的影响。

    Although during the non-trading hours , the investors cannot operating the stocks , this information do not only affect the opening price of the next trading day , but also have a certain impact on the price trend of the stock during the trading hours .

  4. 周末隔夜价格收益率,上周末收盘至下周初开盘的价格变化率。

    Weekend overnight price yield is the price change ratio from close price of last trading day last week to open price of first trading day this week .

  5. 在一张具有两个活跃行情的日高低点图表上标记上开盘与收盘价格。

    Keep up a daily high and low chart on two of the active options and mark the opening and closing prices on this chart .

  6. 结果表明,大量的隔夜信息导致开盘后半小时价格中公开信息成分和私有信息成分都较高,噪音也处于日内最高水平,而收盘前半小时交易的信息含量较低,噪音也处于较低水平。

    The result showed that there are more public information and private information and higher noise in the first half hour after market opening because of large amount of overnight information , which is contrast with the last half hour before market closing .