
wěi shì
  • end of the market
  1. 最低跌至8.95元。尾市稍为回升,收报9.05元。

    Shares dipped to $ 8.95 before recovering slightly to $ 9.05 .

  2. 道琼斯工业平均指数在交易开始后下挫400点,尾市下降幅度略有减缓收于126点。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average was down more than 400 points after trading began , but closed the day with a milder drop down 126 .

  3. 地处长江上游之尾的重庆市,其灾情以山洪和滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等坡地灾害并发为主,具有与长江中下游地区不同的特殊性。

    In Chongqing , which is located in the upper reaches of Yangtze River , mountain torrents occurred simultaneously with slope-calamities , such as landslides , collapses and debris flows .