
mài chū jià
  • selling rate
卖出价[mài chū jià]
  1. 今天的卖出价是200法国法郎。

    It 's 200 French francs at today 's selling rate .

  2. 按今天的卖出价是248德国马克。

    It 's 248 German marks at today 's selling rate .

  3. 出价,讨价,买入价和卖出价我在买一送一的特价时买了牙膏。

    I bought toothpaste during a buy-one-get-one-free sale .

  4. 修正了卖出价和实收货价不一致的问题。

    Inconsistency between the sell price and the amount of received gold has been fixed .

  5. 买入价和卖出价之间的差额不得超过0.5%。

    The permitted margin between the buying and selling rate could not exceed 0.5 per cent .

  6. 过去,我们的进货价是2元左右,卖出价是6元。

    In the past , we bought it at about two yuan , and sold at six .

  7. 场外交易者必须在卖出价买入,此时场内交易者已经做空了,需要买入。

    The outsider has paid the ask price , and the floor trader is now short and needs to buy .

  8. 本文分析了在国际金融教学中汇率及报价换算的四个学习难点。即:买入价与卖出价的理解;

    The paper analyses four difficult points on exenange rate in international banking teaching , that is , comprehension of buying price and selling price ;

  9. 卖出价和买入价的价差是两美元,看来今天是无法成交了。

    Smith : Then the difference between the asking price and the offering price is $ 2 . It 's hard to take place today .

  10. 外汇、有价证券、期货买卖业务,以卖出价减去买入价后的余额为营业额。

    For businesses buying and selling foreign currencies , marketable securities and futures , the turnover shall be the balance of the selling prices less the buying prices .

  11. 韦比发现,在每笔交易后,买入价和卖出价会紧跟着上下波动,因此很容易预测二者的价差。

    Mr veiby found that the bid and ask prices moved up and down in tandem after each trade , making it easy to predict the spread between them .

  12. 建立了期权稳健定价模型,给出了欧式看涨和看跌期权的稳健定价公式,并用标准普尔500指数期权的做市商买入价和卖出价数据进行了实证研究。

    The robust option pricing model and the closed-form solution are given . Empirical performance of the model is studied by using data of S & P 500 index option .

  13. 定量配给外汇加大了进口的难度,由此助长了短缺、通胀和黑市的猖獗美元卖出价飙升至最低官方汇率的四倍左右。

    The rationing of foreign exchange has made importing harder , fuelling scarcity , inflation and a flourishing black market dollars sell for about four times the cheapest official rate .

  14. 远期汇率也有买入价和卖出价,所以远期汇率的升水数或贴水数,也都有大小两个数。

    Forward exchange rate also has buying cost and sell offer , so the premium of forward exchange rate is counted or agio is counted , also have volume two number .

  15. 据银行家和投资者透露,买入价和卖出价介于0.50港元和2港元之间,相比每股3.91港元的最后公开交易报价存在最高达87%的折扣。

    Bankers and investors have reported bids and offers ranging between HK $ 0.50 and HK $ 2 , representing discounts of up to 87 per cent from the last publicly traded price of HK $ 3.91 .

  16. 四然目前销售量还不算很大,但可望卖出好价。期待今后双方的密切合作。

    Although the present sales volume is not very big , I expect that it will deserve a good price .

  17. 其税基是房价,而不是卖出与买入价之差;

    Its tax base is residential , rather than the difference between the selling and buying price ;

  18. 当时,克拉克担任住房部长,她正努力避免国有房屋(以低收入人群可负担得起的租金提供)被低价价卖出或以市场价出租。

    At that stage Clark had been housing minister , struggling to keep state houses ( provided at affordable rents for people on low incomes ) from being sold off or rented out at market rates .

  19. 这一系列和解动作表明,联邦检察官打击一种偏门生意的行动偃旗息鼓了。这门生意力图利用中国国内对高端汽车的需求,在美国零售价通常为5.5万美元的汽车,在中国转手就可以卖出三倍的价钱。

    The wave of settlements signals a retreat by federal prosecutors in a campaign against a niche business that seeks to exploit the demand for high-end vehicles in China , where cars that typically retail for $ 55000 in the United States can be resold for as much as three times that price .

  20. 银行卖出外汇之汇率(卖出价)高于买入外汇之汇率(买入价)。

    The rates at which the banks sell foreign exchange ( selling rates ) are higher than the rates at which they buy ( buying rates ) .