
  • 网络monopoly
  1. 分设后,原有的卖方垄断市场一夜间变成买方合同分包市场。

    The former monopoly sales market of cigarette industrial company after separation became a contractual and subcontracting market .

  2. 基于第四章对铁矿石市场特征分析,本章针对两种定价机制分别建立了卖方垄断市场下的定价模型。

    According to the analysis of the iron ore market in fourth chapter , two kind of pricing mechanism model are established under the monopoly market .

  3. 建立在私人产权、商业运作和高集中度基础上的美国视听工业,通过严格的版权保护,人为形成了卖方垄断的局面。

    American audiovisual industry established on the basis of private property rights , the commercial operation and highly concentrative market .

  4. 微观规制的原因就在于卖方垄断权力的存在、外部性和信息不对称。

    The reason of the regulation lies in , outside and information asymmetry the seller monopolizes power and stores in .

  5. 我国计划经济时期政府制定的粮食统购统销价格是国家垄断价格,其中统购价格是买方垄断价格,统销价格是卖方垄断价格。

    The government-formulated price for grain purchasing and marketing during the Planned Economy Period is state monopoly price , of which the purchasing price is buyer-monopoly price and the marketing price , seller 's monopoly price .

  6. 摘要近年来,农村资本的供给与需求之间存在着较大缺口,农村金融机构处于卖方垄断地位,这使农村民间借贷非常活跃。

    In recent years , owing to the existence of the big gap between supply and demand in the countryside , rural financial institution is in the monopoly situation of selling party , which enlivens the non-government loan .

  7. 这一章以中国这一区域性市场为例,建立了在铁矿石需求不断增长情况下的卖方寡头垄断模型,并详细测算了模型的各项参数。

    As an example , this paper use of the regional markets established seller oligopoly model in the case of growing demand for iron ore , and measurement and calculation of every model parameter .

  8. 但是在单一买方对单一卖方的双边垄断的情况下,双方均会施展策略,可以用博弈论分析其中的行为。

    However , in the case of bilateral monopoly with sole buyer and sole seller , both sides will use strategies , and their actions can be analyzed by game theory .

  9. 在现有市场垄断的研究中,主要侧重于卖方市场的垄断及其市场行为的影响,而对于买方垄断及其市场行为的研究显得较为薄弱。

    The present research of market monopoly usually puts its emphasis on the effect of the monopoly of seller market , but it is weakly on the research of buyer monopoly and its behavior of market .