
  • 网络short put;PUT;sell put
  1. 随著小报纸的不景气,买断独家采访权的金额也跟著缩减了。对于买入看跌期权的人,等于期权价值减去期权金。对于卖出看跌期权的人,等于期权金减去价值。

    As the tabloid have hit on hard times , the cheque of chequebook journalism have shrink . For a long put , equal to the put value minus the premium . For a short put , equal to the premium minus the put value .

  2. 期权交易对供电公司购电组合的影响同时,买进期货合同和卖出一个看涨期权的组合,叫做组合卖出看跌期权。

    Effects of Options Trade on Purchasing Portfolio for Load Serving Entities ; Also , a combination of a long futures contract and a short call , called a synthetic short put .