
mài diǎn
  • selling point;feature of a commodity which makes it especially attractive to buyers;ideal worthiness of selling negotiable securities, futures, etc.
  1. 显然,价格低是一大卖点。

    The price is obviously one of the main selling points .

  2. 若想很快把房子卖掉,就得找个卖点。

    If you want to sell your house quickly , it needs a wow factor .

  3. 销售部门试图确定一种产品的“独有卖点”。

    Sales departments try to identify a product 's USP or ‘ unique selling point ’ .

  4. 对沃尔沃而言,安全永远是其卖点。

    With Volvo , safety was always the USP .

  5. 现货供应的任何一辆淡粉色汽车一定都有自己的卖点。

    Any car you can buy off the shelf in a pastel pink has got to be saying something .

  6. 它的卖点就在于别人无法拥有:“你不会在世界别的地方见到同样的厨房。”

    Its big selling point is that nobody else will have it : " You won 't see this kitchen anywhere else in the world . "

  7. 例如,Fitbit(一家美国科技公司)在周一发布了其第一款智能手表,其卖点非常明确,那就是改善健康一作为一件“工具而非玩具”兜售。

    Fitbit , for example , released its first smartwatch Monday , selling with a clear purpose -- to improve your fitness -- and promoting it as a " tool , not a toy . "

  8. 但对我这样的游客而言,熊猫就是它最大的卖点。

    But for tourists like me , pandas are its top attraction .

  9. 是花卉业为了多卖点花发起的一场阴谋。

    It is a conspiracy started by the floral industry to sell more flowers .

  10. 在营销中,它们还计划把电动汽车较低的运行成本(runningcosts)作为卖点。

    In marketing electric cars , the companies also plan to tout lower running costs .

  11. 这最终会挫败Web服务的主要卖点之一&缺少供应商锁定。

    This ultimately defeats one of the main selling points of Web services & lack of vendor lock-in .

  12. 2012年上半年,这家台湾公司曾希望自己的杀手口One系列智能手机该系列智能手机的主要卖点是配有高性能摄像头能够扭转公司的颓势。

    The Taiwanese firm had hoped its ' killer ' One series smartphone , which features a high-performance camera , would turn things around in the first half of 2012 .

  13. W:产品质量可靠是本产品最强的卖点之一。

    W : To be reliable is the strong point of our products .

  14. 华晨中国(BrillianceChinaAutomotive)与宝马和福特的合资公司就以能效相对较高的车型作为卖点。

    Brilliance China Automotive 's joint venture with BMW and Ford 's local venture sport relatively efficient fleets .

  15. 在微软的首个长期Windows目标中,用户体验是一个关键的卖点。

    User interfaces are a key selling point in Microsoft 's No.1 longterm Windows goal & making the OS matter .

  16. Groovy的关键卖点始终是它与Java的无缝集成。

    Groovy 's key selling point has always been its seamless integration with Java .

  17. 这也是为什么微软要把SurfacePen当作SurfacePro3平板电脑的主要卖点之一。

    It 's one reason why the company touted the Surface Pen as a primary selling point for its Surface Pro 3 tablet .

  18. 不久之前,行李箱的主要卖点还是耐用性——想想美旅箱包(AmericanTourister)广告里那只爱激动的大猩猩吧。

    It wasn 't long ago that the main selling point of a piece of luggage was its durability - think American Tourister and its rather excitable gorilla .

  19. 摸游戏当iPhone于2007年推出的时候,多触摸功能是其最大的卖点之一。

    When the iPhone was introduced in 2007 , its multitouch capability was among its most eye-catching features .

  20. 这很有意思,但Crystal的主要卖点不是让人捧腹大笑,而是为了帮你更好地沟通。

    This is all good fun , but the main selling point of Crystal is not to provide uproarious entertainment . It is to help you communicate better .

  21. 乔布斯和Ive以这款产品新颖的设计为卖点

    Jobs and Ive had put the design of the computer centre stage .

  22. EJB3.0和JPA毫无疑问将是JavaEE5的主要卖点。

    EJB3.0 and JPA will undoubtedly be major selling points for Java EE5 .

  23. Voyage的主要卖点是模仿印刷纸面效果的高分辨率屏幕。

    The Voyage 's main trick is a high-resolution display that mimics the look of a printed page .

  24. 然而,完全可以说在过去的几年中,IBM和Sun都不断地尝试在市场销售期间将这种竞争作为卖点。

    However , it is fair to say that both IBM and Sun have tried to sell this competition during marketing efforts throughout the past several years .

  25. SOA的一个主要卖点是,系统将利用其开放性访问第三方供应商提供的服务。

    One of the major selling points of SOA is that systems will be able to leverage their openness by accessing services that third-party vendors supply .

  26. USP代表的是独特的卖点或者独特的销售主张。

    This stands for Unique Selling Point or Unique Selling Proposition .

  27. IPTV与互动电视都以节目内容互动为卖点,VOD业务都是其主要应用。

    The selling points of IPTV and interactive TV are all interactive programs . VOD is their major applications .

  28. 与其它应用服务器相比较下,V2最大的卖点是速度。

    In comparison to other appservers the speed of V2 is a selling point .

  29. IBM对Linux投入在业界是首屈一指的,对于希望开始转向Linux的企业来说,这是一个巨大的卖点。

    The IBM commitment to Linux is second to none in the industry , which is a huge selling point for businesses that want to start moving towards Linux .

  30. SOA的一个关键卖点是,能够通过将服务作为构建块提高业务流程的灵活性,从而实现新业务模型和创新。

    A key selling point of SOA has been increasing the flexibility of business processes , through services as building blocks , thereby enabling new business models and innovation .