
  • 网络Linear functional relationship
  1. 线性函数关系模型参数估计的一些优良性质

    Some Properties of a Estimation of Parameters in Linear Functional Relationship Model

  2. 本文讨论了部分变量带误差的线性函数关系模型的参数估计问题。

    Abstract In this paper , the problem of parameters estimation in linear functional relationship model with " error in some variables " is discussed .

  3. 结果表明:GPC淋洗体积(V(es))与浓度c呈线性函数关系。

    The experimental results show that the GPC elution volume is a linear function of concentration .

  4. 同时,当大黄鱼体重在5~100g范围内时,体长与咽喉径之间存在着线性函数关系。

    Within the range of 5 ~ 100g for the weigh , there is a linear relationship between the length and pharynx diameter .

  5. 基于惯性权值随种群多样性变化而变化的动态分析,建立了惯性权值与平均粒距之间的线性函数关系,并将该函数关系融入到APSO算法中。

    A linear function relationship between inertia weight and average-distance-amongst-points was established through analyzing the dynamic relationship between inertia weight value and population diversity , and this functional relationship was embedded into APSO .

  6. 瘤胃细菌的生长与培养基内的碳水化合物含量存在线性函数关系。

    Rumen microbial growth was a linear funtion of amount of carbohydrate .

  7. 基于网点观测的变量不全含误差的部分线性函数关系模型

    Partially Linear Relationship Model with Errors in Some Variables Observed at Net-Points

  8. 地震波速度与渗透率之间并不存在明显的线性函数关系式。

    The linear relationship does not exist between seismic wave velocity and their permeability .

  9. 刺激图片的旋转角度与反应时之间存在着明显的线性函数关系。

    There was obvious linear function relationship between the rotation angles of stimulus pictures and RT.

  10. 一类特殊的线性函数关系模型

    A special linear Funcitional relationship

  11. 提出控制器的优点在于:不仅不要求系统动力学方程关于惯性参数呈线性函数关系,而且也不需要知道系统参数;

    The control scheme needs neither to parameterize the dynamic equations of the system linearly , nor knows any system parameters .

  12. 实证研究证明以有效市场假说为基础,以线性函数关系为模型的资本市场理论不能很好地揭示资本市场的真正本质。

    The demonstrations indicate that the capital market theory based on linear model can 't correctly show the essence of security market .

  13. 但显然不是线性函数关系,因为如果是的话过一段时间之后几率会变成零。

    If it were linear , then after some time the chance would be zero . I would rather something for which c approaches zero .

  14. 研究了能效比与制冷量的关系,指出能效标准中两者应为线性函数关系。

    Studies the relationship between energy efficiency ratio and refrigerating capacity and points out that the relationship of them should be expressed in a linear function .

  15. 采用距离和速率成幂函数或分段线性函数关系,使算法能够实现任意指定转移时间的位置转移。

    By using the relationship of the power functions or piecewise linear functions between distance and speed , the algorithms can be applied to any specified transfer time .

  16. 利用6个不同地点快速冷却(抬升)的起始时间与相对距离作图时,得到了较好的线性函数关系(斜率为34mm/a)。

    When plotted as a function of the distance along the range , the starting time of rapid cooling ( uplift ) at the six site decreases linearly at a slope of 34mm / a.

  17. 应用挤出膨胀方程估算的试样剪切弹性模量与壁面剪切应力呈线性函数关系,其预测值与文献值相当接近。

    And the shear modulus ( G ) of the samples estimated by means of a die swell equation were the linear functions of the wall shear stresses , and close to those reported in previous literatures .

  18. 针对要识别的参数向量与位移向量之间存在线性函数关系,且能用矩阵表述的一类反问题,提出了一种简单易行的识别方法。

    The paper presents a type of simple identifying method to solve the inverse problem , in which the identifying parameter vector is linear with the displacement vector , and can be expressed the relation as matrix form .

  19. 结果表明:流量与驶出率呈指数函数关系;在低密度范围,流量密度呈线性函数关系,并与美国经验公式一致;

    The results indicate that the relationship between flow and diverging rate is the exponential function , and the relationship between flow and density is the linear function at the low density , coinciding with the empirical formula .

  20. 传统的成本性态模型认为,成本与业务量之间的变化存在线性函数关系,即成本费用的增减与业务量等比例变动。

    The traditional cost behavior model assumes that there is a linear function relationship in the changes between the cost and volume of business , that is , the change ratio of cost and volume of business is in proportion .

  21. 在共线装置中,在反射波中总含有一定的非共扼的成分,振幅反射系数与样品厚度的关系可能是正切、双曲正切或线性函数关系;

    In the collinear geometry , there are always some non-conjugate component in the reflected wave , and the functional relation between reflection coefficient of amplitude and the thickness of sample can have the form of tangent function , hyperbolic tangent function and linear function ;

  22. 在大量实验的基础上,建立了精制大豆油的烟点与游离脂肪酸含量的线性函数关系,一般情况下,即游离脂肪酸含量高,则烟点底。

    On the basis of a large amount of tests , the line function relationship between smoke point of refined soybean oil and content of free fatty acid was established . Generally speaking , high content of free fatty acid leads to low smoke point .

  23. 根据反应条件指数和反应条件边界值的概念,运用热力学基本原理和质量作用定律对反应条件指数与饱和指数的关系进行了论证,结果表明两者呈线性函数关系。

    Based on the concepts of RCI and of boundary value of reaction condition , we have expounded and proved the relationship between the RCI and the SI by applying the basic principles of thermodynamics and mass reaction law , and confirmed that their relationship is linear .

  24. 配位化合物中线性热力学函数关系&Ⅲ.pH电位法研究铜(Ⅱ)-α-氨基酸体系中的线性自由能和线性焓

    Linear Free Energy Relations , Linear Enthalpy Relations of Cu (ⅱ) & aminoacid Coordination Compounds

  25. 给出频率合成器的结构和实现方法,推导出输出频率与基准频率之间具有线性函数的关系。

    It 's principle , structure and realization method are also given . Then the linear function relationship between output frequency and reference frequency is deduced .

  26. 实验结果表明,流体密度与振动管的自由衰减振动周期成近似线性的函数关系,其非线性程度是由传感器的形状和材料参数决定的;

    Experiments reveal that the liquid density and the free attenuation vibration period are approximate linear functional relation which depends on the sensor shapes and materials parameters .

  27. 配位化合物中的线性热力学函数关系&Ⅱ.离子选择电极研究α-氨基酸与铜(Ⅱ)配合物在混合溶剂中的线性热力学函数

    Study on the linear free energy relationships , linear enthalpy relationships and linear entropy relationships of cu (ⅱ) & aminoacid coordination compounds in the mixed solvent using copper ion-selective electrode

  28. 当出现输入量估计值相关时,不论是线性还是非线性函数关系,在合成标准不确定度评定中,均可通过数学模型的变化或是分组合成而不去评定相关系数使计算大大地简化。

    When correlation arises in estimated value of input quantity , in the assessment of uncertainty of combined standards , the computation of linear or non-linear functional relationship may be greatly simplified by changing the mathematical models or using analytical synthesis instead of assessing the related coefficients .

  29. 证明了有限域上q多项式、n阶矩阵和线性函数间的等价关系;

    First , a proof of the equivalence is presented among the q-polynomials , matrices of order n and linear functions over finite fields .

  30. 本文研究了浙江省生猪供给系统变量间的线性与非线性回归函数关系,确定了系统反馈结构。

    In this paper , Linear and non-Linear regression functions among the main veriables in the hogs supply system of Zhejiang are studied so that the feedback structure of the system is determined .