- linear distortion

Analysis of the Effect of Linear Distortion on OFDM Signal
Secondly , the modeling of amplify effect is taken as an example for modeling of linear distortion effects using adaptive filter .
SC-FDE uses frequency domain inverse filter to offsetting the linear distortion of the channel based on the channel estimation in frequency domain .
Based on DRM system , linear distortion of phase and amplitude is analyzed and simulated respectively , and the target of filter design in the DRM system is also given .
After the analysis of Volterra nonlinear system and nonlinear channel Wiener modeling with severe linear and mild nonlinear distortion , conjunction 's structure equalizer was studied , and adaptive algorithm was deduced .
The influence of FM channel linear distortion on Group-Frequency signals
When data signals transmit through blind channel , the channel will lead a linear distort at a receiver .
Digital correlator is superior to analog correlator in dynamic characteristics , linear distortion , zero drift and so on .
The group delay , which characterizes the linear distortion of the system and network , is an important transmission characteristic .
A simple and useful decision feedback equalizer used for non-linear channels with severe linear distortion and mild non-linear distortion is proposed .
This paper describes the influence of FM channel linear distortion ( amplitude-frequency characteristics distortion ) on group-frequency signals ( modulated signal ), which makes the group-frequency signals produce amplitude-frequency charateristics distortion and amplitude non linear distortion .
Not only the cause of giving rise to the distortion is analyzed , but also the distinction and connection between the linear distortion and the non linear distortion by studying the concrete waves of the concrete circuits .
Because of its many outstanding advantages such as low linear distortion , no crosstalk , high fidelity and high signal to noise ratio , and its ability to support stereo broadcast and multicast , FM radio gains rapid development .
LUT method of predistortion compensate for linearization of HPA
The measurement accuracy will be low if the ideal or linear conditions are used to calibrate the system .
The codebook design algorithm is then extended to a distortion measure that has piecewise-linear characteristics .
Although the distortion of traditional linear amplifier is small , the efficiency is not high , and traditional linear amplifier requires a large area of the heat sink .
Linear power amplifier has low distortion and good linearity , but it has high loss and so low efficiencies .
This dissertation utilize biorthogonal wavelet transform merge medical image for avoiding phase distortion by conventional orthogonal wavelet transform , and introduce a new fusion method .
The idea behind the constant current load is that with a constant current load , the valve is almost perfectly linear ( near ZERO distortion ) .
By analyzing the reason of the distortion of the linear power converter , the design method of the power converter is improved , which eliminates the crossover distortion .
In this paper , a low noise high linearity amplifier which works in UMTS frequencies is analyzed and designed , it is used to amplify the distorted signal in WCDMA feed-forward linear power amplifier system .