
xiàn rén
  • an inner connection, spy, informer;tipster;informer
  1. 他们的一名线人用车尔尼作化名。

    One of their informers was working under the code name Czerny

  2. 据People杂志的线人透露,贾斯汀·比伯患上了抑郁症,据报道他正在接受治疗。

    According to People sources , Justin Bieber is struggling with depression , and he is reportedly receiving treatment .

  3. 同时,道里姆波尔私下里亦进一步解释说,他在苹果的线人并未排除在全球开发人员大会外,苹果在其他场合发布iPhone的可能性。

    Dalrymple clarifies privately that his sources did not rule out an iPhone announcement in another venue besides WWDC .

  4. 线人告诉《美国周刊》,夏季卡里诺向LadyGaga父亲提亲,获准后两人悄悄订婚了。

    A source told the site that the pair got secretly engaged over the summer after Carino asked the singer 's father for permission .

  5. 而且,与冷战时期在苏联(sovietunion)的情况不同,人们认为西方情报机构在朝鲜没有可提供内部消息的“线人”。

    And , unlike in the Soviet Union during the cold war , Western intelligence agencies are thought to have no people on the ground in North Korea to offer inside information .

  6. 我的一个线人Melanie91发来了Serenavanderwoodsen在中央车站,拎着包。

    One of my sources , Melanie91 , sends us this ... spotted at grand central , bags in hand ... Serena van Der Woodsen .

  7. 关于她回归的具体细节还没有公布,不过我在CSI的线人确保说她“不会以回忆的方式出现。”

    Specifics of her comeback are being kept under lock and key , but my CSI mole assures me that she " won 't be appearing in a flashback . "

  8. 自由球员帕蒂-米尔斯已经与母队圣安东尼奥马刺队达成口头协议,签署为期4年,总价值5000万美元的合同,联盟的线人告诉ESPN。

    Free-agent guard Patty Mills has agreed to a four-year , $ 50 million contract to return to the San Antonio Spurs , league sources told ESPN .

  9. 布雷克-格里芬已经和快船达成共识,签下5年1.73亿美元的合同,联盟的线人向ESPN确认。

    Blake Griffin has reached agreement on a five-year , $ 173 million deal with the Los Angeles Clippers , league sources confirmed to ESPN on Friday .

  10. 最近,一位所谓的苹果线人向科技博客瘾科技(Engadget)透露,iPad2受到“工程问题”的困扰,结果导致iPad2取消了高分辨率显示器和SD卡读卡器等一些原先计划的部件。

    Most recently , an alleged Apple source told Engadget that " engineering issues " plagued the iPad 2 , resulting in the loss of planned components like a sharper display and SD card reader .

  11. 我们还不知道线人到底供出了些什么。

    And we have no idea what the source actually said .

  12. 从两个线人那里得到的消息不相符。

    Information received from the two informants didn 't match up .

  13. 重要线人金姆·威廉姆斯获得100万美元奖金。

    Kim Williams is being held on $ 1 million bond .

  14. 事实上,你那个忠诚的手下是警察的线人。

    This ioyai man of yours was actually a poIice informer .

  15. 谢天谢地,这些计划被美国联邦调查局的线人挫败了。

    Thankfully , those plans were foiled by an FBI informant .

  16. 你的线人说恐怖威胁确有其事

    I mean , your contact said the threat is real .

  17. 你的线人这次要价多少

    Yeah ? How much does your source want this time ?

  18. 戴维斯称,艾山·巴亚特是美国联邦调查局的线人。

    Mr Bayat was an FBI informer , Mr Davis said .

  19. 那个肯定是她的线人,你说这只是训练

    And that must be her source . Just for training .

  20. 我会帮你找出我的线人是谁。

    I 'll help you find out who my source is .

  21. 那就交给你了,线人,给我们线索吧。

    So , here you go , informant . Inform us .

  22. 我是个警察,你是个线人。

    I was a cop and you were an info .

  23. 解析新闻线人的现状及其产生原因

    On the Reasons , Present Situation of News Informer Source

  24. 因此对于线人可以用钱和物质的刺激。

    So they were all monetarily and materially incented , the informants .

  25. 玛格丽特是我和同事及朋友们联系的唯一牵线人。

    Margaret was my only link to my comrades , my friends .

  26. 我的线人查出他们藏身之处。

    My informant have found the place where they hide .

  27. 一定要问特工为什么他觉得这位线人是可靠的。

    Always ask the agent why he thinks the source is reliable .

  28. 那些线人有帮你结过案吗

    Those C.I. 's help you close any cases yet ?

  29. 万一他是条子的线人怎么办?

    What if he 's a rat for the cops ?

  30. 弗斯科的线人告诉了我一个杀手名叫索尼克。

    Fusco 's C.I. pointed me towards a contract killer named Solnick .