
xiàn xìnɡ chā zhí
  • linear interpolation
  1. 基于颅内出血CT图像层间轮廓线的线性插值算法

    Linear Interpolation Algorithm Based on the Intermediate Contour of Intracerebral Brain Hemorrhage CT Image

  2. OFDM系统中线性插值信道估计器的性能研究

    Research of Channel Estimation Using Linear Interpolation Technology in OFDM Systems

  3. 用CT确定密度的方法有单能扫描法、双能扫描法、线性插值法;

    This paper discusses single energy scan method , dual energy scan method and linear interpolation method for density ;

  4. 线性插值算法等在OFDM水声通信系统频域均衡中的应用研究

    Application of Linear Inserting-Values Arithmetic and so on in UWA OFDM System 's Frequency Field Equalization

  5. 基于断层图像的RP三维重构中层间轮廓线性插值算法

    Linear interpolation algorithm for RP 3D reconstruction based on cross-sectional images

  6. 实时监测控制系统中CRC校验结合线性插值纠错技术研究

    Real-time monitoring system linear interpolation combined with CRC correction technology research

  7. 该方案在编码端去除了传统方法中复杂的对齐运算,在译码端用三次B样条插值取代传统的线性插值。

    In this new scheme , the complicated alignment operation was removed at the encoder and the traditional linear interpolation was replaced by the cubic B-spline interpolation at the decoder .

  8. 本文提出了一种结合BP神经网络、小波变换、线性插值的图像放大算法,提高图像分辨率。

    In this paper , BP neural network , wavelet transform , linear interpolation are applied to image interpolation in order to improving image resolution .

  9. 从比较的结果可知,BP神经网络的控制效果要优于传统的线性插值法。

    The results show that compared with traditional table looking up and interpolation method , using BP neural network can achieve a better control effect .

  10. 然后,本文讨论了分级线性插值算法的思想,设计并实现了FPGA上的分级双三次算法。

    Then , this paper presented the hierarchical linear interpolation algorithm , and then design and implement the hierarchical Bicubic interpolation algorithm in FPGA .

  11. 利用现有的物性资料以及沉积层的厚度分布,线性插值得到各网格点的密度、波速以及Q值的深度分布,在此基础上建立二维横向非均匀结构模型。

    Grid with the distribution of density , velocity and value which are provided by linear interpolation along the depth of the Quaternary sedimentary layer .

  12. 本文主要对常值内插、线性插值、高斯插值、Cubic插值以及基于FFT的时域和转换域的插值算法进行了研究分析。

    The algorithms of constant interpolation , linear interpolation , Gauss interpolation , Cubic interpolation and FFT-based time-domain and conversion domain are analyzed .

  13. 本文采用一种基于最短距离的线性插值方法,在相邻两层ICT切片之间插补出了中间轮廓。

    A method of linear interpolation based on minimum distance is adopted and finished for middle contour interpolation .

  14. 一种基于泰勒级数的简化的Kóczy线性插值推理方法

    Simplified K ó czy 's Linear Interpolative Reasoning Method Based on Taylor Progression

  15. 螺旋CT有多种重建的插值算法,主要分为360°插值和180°插值两类,通常采用线性插值函数为插值核。

    There are several interpolation algorithms for spiral CT reconstruction . The major interpolation methods are 360 ° and 180 ° interpolation . The interpolation kernel function in common used is linear interpolation .

  16. 对基于线性插值原理的cross算法进行改进,提出了通过加入一修正函数提高频率计算精度的方法,提出了两种计算频率的方法及公式。

    This paper presents a new method for raising accuracy of frequency calculation by introducing a correction function into level crossing algorithm based linear interpolation . Two algorithms and formulae are given .

  17. 本设计采用分段线性插值拟合正弦函数的思想实现相位码/幅度码的转换功能,避免了ROM的使用;

    A piecewise linear interpolation scheme to approximate a sinusoid function for phase-to-sine amplitude converter block is used to eliminate ROM.

  18. 针对点目标图像可能存在的方块效应与细节退化现象,结合点目标灰度特性处理技术,改进并完善了邻域线性插值细分方法。从而,提出了该基于CCD亚像元细分原理的点目标自动采样算法。

    According to the phenomenon of edge degradation and block effect , combined with pixel gray transformation techniques , an automatic points sampling algorithm is proposed in this paper .

  19. 以线性插值和NURBS曲线插值为例对这种方法进行了详细阐述,并给出了插值程序。

    Application of this method with linear interpolation and NURBS interpolation is discussed in detail , some pieces of program are given too .

  20. 基于线性插值的DDFS中的相位-幅度映射研究

    A Study on Phase-to-amplitude Mapping in DDFS Based on Linear Interpolation

  21. 本设计实现了三种信道估计算法,包括维纳滤波估计、线性插值估计和基于DFT的估计算法。

    Three methods of channel estimation are tried to estimate the channel reponse including Wiener Filtering method , linear insertion method and DFT based mothod .

  22. 而采用KH线性插值推理也存在着难以保证推理结果的凸性和正规性等问题。

    It is also difficult to keep convexity and normality using KH linear interpolative reasoning method .

  23. 文中在PC机上实现了最近邻插值、线性插值、Lagrange插值、匹配插值、基于形状的插值和小波插值等。

    In this paper , several interpolation methods such as nearest neighbor , linear , Lagrange polynomial , matching , shape and wavelet interpolation are implemented on PC.

  24. 针对这个问题,Kóczy和Hirota提出了一种线性插值推理方法。

    To tackle this problem , K ó czy and Hirota have proposed a linear interpolative reasoning method .

  25. 该文介绍了一种新的直接频率合成器实现方法,采用分段线性插值运算来拟合正弦函数,不需要ROM查找表。

    A digital frequency synthesizer without ROM look up table is presented , a piecewise linear interpolation scheme is used to approximate a sinusoid function .

  26. 提出了一种基于非均匀分段线性插值的直接数字频率合成器(DDFS)的设计方法。

    This paper presents a direct digital frequency synthesizer ( DDFS ) that is based on unequal piece-wise method .

  27. 为消除系统稳态误差,提高模糊控制器控制精度,融入线性插值算法,利用协调因子改变模糊控制和PID控制输出权重。

    The coordinating factor which change the output weights between the fuzzy controller and PID controller is adopted and the linear interpolating algorithm is proposed to eliminate the stable state error of system and enhance the control precision of fuzzy controller .

  28. 利用Peukert方程的变形式,用线性插值法计算出锂离子电池的Peukert常数β值;

    Then the constant of Peukert equation is calculated from the linear interpolation .

  29. 在小波与C-V模型相结合定位图像缺陷的基础上,采用线性插值的方法将像素级边缘定位到亚像素精度,从而对缺陷进行亚像素测量。

    On the basis of the result of wavelet combining with C-V model , linear interpolation will be used to make the edge located in sub-pixel level .

  30. 并借助于Galerkin加权余量法导出相应的有限元方程组,在有限元计算中速度和压力均采用四节点线性插值函数;

    The fluid domain was divided by quadrilateral elements . The finite element equations were derived by Galerkin method . Four nodal points linear interpolation functions was used for both velocity and pressure .