- linear interpolation

Linear Interpolation Algorithm Based on the Intermediate Contour of Intracerebral Brain Hemorrhage CT Image
Research of Channel Estimation Using Linear Interpolation Technology in OFDM Systems
This paper discusses single energy scan method , dual energy scan method and linear interpolation method for density ;
Application of Linear Inserting-Values Arithmetic and so on in UWA OFDM System 's Frequency Field Equalization
Linear interpolation algorithm for RP 3D reconstruction based on cross-sectional images
Real-time monitoring system linear interpolation combined with CRC correction technology research
In this new scheme , the complicated alignment operation was removed at the encoder and the traditional linear interpolation was replaced by the cubic B-spline interpolation at the decoder .
In this paper , BP neural network , wavelet transform , linear interpolation are applied to image interpolation in order to improving image resolution .
The results show that compared with traditional table looking up and interpolation method , using BP neural network can achieve a better control effect .
Then , this paper presented the hierarchical linear interpolation algorithm , and then design and implement the hierarchical Bicubic interpolation algorithm in FPGA .
Grid with the distribution of density , velocity and value which are provided by linear interpolation along the depth of the Quaternary sedimentary layer .
The algorithms of constant interpolation , linear interpolation , Gauss interpolation , Cubic interpolation and FFT-based time-domain and conversion domain are analyzed .
A method of linear interpolation based on minimum distance is adopted and finished for middle contour interpolation .
Simplified K ó czy 's Linear Interpolative Reasoning Method Based on Taylor Progression
There are several interpolation algorithms for spiral CT reconstruction . The major interpolation methods are 360 ° and 180 ° interpolation . The interpolation kernel function in common used is linear interpolation .
This paper presents a new method for raising accuracy of frequency calculation by introducing a correction function into level crossing algorithm based linear interpolation . Two algorithms and formulae are given .
A piecewise linear interpolation scheme to approximate a sinusoid function for phase-to-sine amplitude converter block is used to eliminate ROM.
According to the phenomenon of edge degradation and block effect , combined with pixel gray transformation techniques , an automatic points sampling algorithm is proposed in this paper .
Application of this method with linear interpolation and NURBS interpolation is discussed in detail , some pieces of program are given too .
A Study on Phase-to-amplitude Mapping in DDFS Based on Linear Interpolation
Three methods of channel estimation are tried to estimate the channel reponse including Wiener Filtering method , linear insertion method and DFT based mothod .
It is also difficult to keep convexity and normality using KH linear interpolative reasoning method .
In this paper , several interpolation methods such as nearest neighbor , linear , Lagrange polynomial , matching , shape and wavelet interpolation are implemented on PC.
To tackle this problem , K ó czy and Hirota have proposed a linear interpolative reasoning method .
A digital frequency synthesizer without ROM look up table is presented , a piecewise linear interpolation scheme is used to approximate a sinusoid function .
This paper presents a direct digital frequency synthesizer ( DDFS ) that is based on unequal piece-wise method .
The coordinating factor which change the output weights between the fuzzy controller and PID controller is adopted and the linear interpolating algorithm is proposed to eliminate the stable state error of system and enhance the control precision of fuzzy controller .
Then the constant of Peukert equation is calculated from the linear interpolation .
On the basis of the result of wavelet combining with C-V model , linear interpolation will be used to make the edge located in sub-pixel level .
The fluid domain was divided by quadrilateral elements . The finite element equations were derived by Galerkin method . Four nodal points linear interpolation functions was used for both velocity and pressure .