
diàn jí tā
  • electric guitar;amp
电吉他[diàn jí tā]
  1. 布朗卡因为弹出刺耳的电吉他声而有些让人讨厌。

    Bronka is somewhat infamous for his screeching electric guitar work .

  2. 弹奏空气吉他其实就是演奏者假装在用电吉他弹奏摇滚或重金属音乐,做出一些舞蹈和演奏动作,假装演奏部分可能是即兴重复段落或独奏。空气吉他弹奏多包含夸张的随意弹奏和拨片动作,同时伴有高声演唱或对嘴形表演。

    Playing air guitar is a form of dance and movement in which the performer pretends to play rock or heavy metal-style electric guitar , including riffs , solos , etc. Playing an air guitar usually consists of exaggerated strumming and picking motions and is often coupled with loud singing or lip-synching .

  3. 低音电吉他开始砰砰作响,巨大的声音一直在我的脑海里回响。

    The bass guitar began to thump so loudly that it resonated in my head .

  4. 接下来各种硬件的购买(iPod、摄像机、低音电吉他、低音电吉他音箱等等)代替了生日聚会。

    Subsequent hardware purchases ( iPod , video camera , bass guitar , bass guitar amp and so on ) have been in lieu of birthday parties .

  5. 附件也将增加Gibson电吉他的潜在数量,因为附件可以方便且成本低廉连接到几乎任何拱形顶声。

    The attachment would also increase the potential number of Gibson electric guitars available since the attachment could easily and inexpensively be attached to just about any arch-top acoustic .

  6. R03把木管乐器,铜管乐器和电吉他,以动态的,非常自然的方式显示出来,听起来就是一种欢乐。

    But the R03 presents instruments from woodwinds to brass to electric guitars in a very dynamic and natural way and is a joy to listen to .

  7. 美国监狱对电吉他说“不”(2003/02/17)

    No Electric Guitars in Prison ( 2003 / 02 / 17 )

  8. 这个男人用一把电吉他杀死了一位牧师

    The man who murdered a pastor with an electric guitar

  9. 乐队主唱搞坏了自己的电吉他

    The lead singer of the Stereo Kings trashed his Les Paul .

  10. 鲍比:给了我电吉他!

    Bobby : They got me an electric guitar !

  11. 而电吉他的设计和科技正使这些改变变为可能。

    And the designs and technology of electric guitars made those changes possible .

  12. 杰西卡很有音乐天分,从唱歌剧到弹电吉他她都会。

    Jessica 's musical talents range from singing opera to playing the electric guitar .

  13. 我有一辆山地车,一把电吉他,一台电脑。

    I have a mountain bike , an electric guitar , and a computer .

  14. 接着,我们终于有了电吉他。

    But then eventually we have electric guitars .

  15. 他们害怕摇滚乐,害怕电吉他,害怕电吉他,害怕走在街上的和锁好的门后的老人。

    They 're afraid of rock'n'roll-of telecasters-of stratocasters-of old age-in the streets-behind the locked doors .

  16. 马克韦伯希望得到电吉他。

    Mark Weber wants an electric guitar .

  17. 怎样获得出色的吉他音色第二章(1)作为一件电声乐器的电吉他

    The Electric Guitar as an Electric Instrument

  18. 蓝调摇滚的声音来自电吉他、钢琴、贝斯和鼓。

    The sound is created with the electric guitar , piano , bass and drums .

  19. 他给电吉他接上电源,然后把它当原声吉他来弹。

    He plugs in an electric guitar , and he plays it like an acoustic guitar .

  20. 一支衣着光鲜的摩洛哥乐队,带着电吉他和键盘,爆发出了音乐。

    A slick-suited Moroccan band , complete with electric guitars and keyboards , burst forth with music .

  21. 不。电吉他早在1940年莱斯·保罗进入人们视线以前就存在了。

    no. Electrified guitars already existed by the time Les Paul came into the picture around 1940 .

  22. 抱歉,在我想到电吉他乐时,我会想到吉米·亨德里克斯。

    Excuse me , but when I think of electric guitar music , I think of Jimi Hendrix .

  23. 十几岁的男孩子大多都梦想有电吉他,并且某一天能摇滚明星。

    Most teenage boys dream of having an electric guitar and of becoming a rock star one day .

  24. 早期的电吉他是空心的,而且早期的扩音器会造成乐器器身产生振动。

    These early electric guitars were hollow and these early amplifiers caused vibrations in the bodies of the instruments .

  25. 当然,他们使用吉他,也使用在许多类型的音乐中常用的电吉他。

    Of course they use guitar and also electric guitar , which is very common in many forms of music .

  26. 他是实心琴体的电吉他发展过程的关键人物。

    He was a pioneer in the development of the solid-body electric guitar which made the sound of rock and roll possible .

  27. 2006年的第十五届展览会期间,首届贝塔斯瑞电吉他大赛决赛在展览会现场举行。

    During the Fifteenth Exhibition in2006 , the final of the first b3 Electronic Guitar Contest was held on the Exhibition site .

  28. 电吉他演奏的先锋、摇滚歌星的御用吉他手逝世,享年94岁。

    Les Paul , whose pioneering electric guitars were used by a legion of rock stars , has died at the age of94 .

  29. 艺术家说这项规定侵害了流行文化,影响了录音转播机、电吉他和其他优秀设备的二手交易。

    Artists say the regulations infringe on popular culture , affecting the resale of items such as turntables , electric guitars and other classic devices .

  30. 每一款设计都是为了在某种程度上改变声音,在最初(至少电吉他是这样)是为了让声音更大。

    And each design was intended to alter the sound in some way , at first at least with the electric guitar , to make it louder .