
sān jiǎo ɡānɡ qín
  • grand piano
  1. 三角钢琴被代之以一架粗鄙的小电子琴。

    The grand piano has been replaced with a small , inelegant electric model .

  2. 如果你在午餐时间造访瑞银集团(UBS)位于伦敦金融城的办公楼,你可能会惊讶地发现,大厅中央有一架三角钢琴。

    Lunchtime visitors to UBS 's City offices might be surprised to see a grand piano in the middle of the foyer .

  3. 但在家里,她弹的是一架出自日本廉价钢琴生产商河合(Kawai)的三角钢琴。

    But at home , she played on a grand piano made by Kawai , a low-cost Japanese maker .

  4. 粉丝们常说,施坦威发明了现代三角钢琴。

    Fans liked to say Steinway invented the modern grand piano .

  5. 那个钢琴家在一架大钢琴(或三角钢琴)上弹奏了好几首曲子。

    The pianist played several pieces of music on a grand piano .

  6. 搬家工人非常小心的对待那个三角钢琴。

    The movers were very careful with the grand piano .

  7. 三角钢琴产品当中的这一款是专为崇尚经典风格的顾客所设计。

    This grand is designed specially for advocates of classicism .

  8. 在一个强大的贝森多夫三角钢琴。

    On a mighty B ö sendorfer grand piano .

  9. 舞台上放着一架9英尺音乐会三角钢琴,漆成大红色——红色是中国的国色。

    Onstage sat a nine-foot concert grand painted solid red , China 's national color .

  10. 他走过大理石楼梯和一架三角钢琴,来到后面的一张桌子边。

    He walked past the marble staircase and the grand piano to a table in the back .

  11. 当然,豪斯公寓里最大件的家用品是那架三角钢琴。

    Of course , the largest piece of furniture in House 's apartment is the grand piano .

  12. 这张一月二十六日摄于佛罗里达州迈阿密比斯肯湾的照片,是一架座落在沙洲上的三角钢琴。

    A grand piano is seen on a sandbar in Biscayne Bay in Miami , Florida , on Jan.26 .

  13. 实际上,大厅里的这架三角钢琴,只是该公司不同寻常的音乐投入的最明显表现。

    In fact , the grand in the foyer is merely the most visible manifestation of an unusual corporate commitment to music .

  14. 的确,在去年的两个月里,该公司在中国售出的三角钢琴超过了美国的销量。

    Indeed , for two months last year , the company sold more grand pianos in China than in the United States .

  15. 角落的棕榈树,挂在上方的黄铜吊灯,放在桌上的串珠台灯和一架严丝合缝地放入拱门的袖珍三角钢琴,让人觉得仿佛置身于当年的场景中。

    Palms in the corners , hanging brass chandeliers , beaded table lamps and a baby grand piano tucked into an archway lend to the period-authentic mise-en-sc è ne .

  16. 豪宅的两边各有一个穹形的楼梯,顺其而下,便是餐厅和休息厅,那里摆放着一架顶部点缀着水晶烛的三角钢琴。

    Curving staircases on each side of the mansion 's most famous room lead down to the kitchen and the elegant foyer , where a grand piano sits topped with crystal candlesticks .

  17. 但凡具备大文化叙事品格的作品,就可能成为经典。三角钢琴产品当中的这一款是专为崇尚经典风格的顾客所设计。

    Once a piece of writing bears the character of " grand cultural narrative ", it is likely to be a " classic " . This grand is designed specially for advocates of classicism .

  18. 那是一架施坦威D-274音乐会三角钢琴。琴身有9英尺长(约2.7米),重量将近1000磅(约450公斤),泛着金属般的黑色冷光,价格超过20万美元——仿佛是专门设计出来吓唬人的。

    At nine feet long and nearly 1000 pounds , with a steely black sheen and a price of more than $ 200000 , the Steinway & Sons D-274 concert grand piano seemed designed to intimidate .

  19. 理查斯的微雕玩具屋包括仆人住所、一个带有三角钢琴的音乐室、一个台球室和带1000册不同封面书籍的图书室,整个微雕大厦制作耗时15年。

    The mini mansion had its own servants ' quarters , a music room with grand piano , a hand-crafted games room with snooker table and a library with over 1,000 separately bound books , and took Mr Riches a painstaking 15 years to complete .