
  1. 城郊屯的新建筑位于三里屯酒吧街和工体路路口

    Look for the new buildings in the suburb of Sanlitun on the corner of Sanlitun Bar Street and gonti Road

  2. 三里屯酒吧街和朝阳酒吧文化广场使这里的娱乐生活有声有色;

    The public square uses three li of village bar street and bar culture exposed to the sun here entertainment life is alive ;

  3. 几年前,三里屯酒吧街还是最火的时候,每家酒吧几乎每天都爆满。

    Several years ago when it was in full bloom in Sanlitun Bar Street , he had had many fans to watch his performance everyday from singing there .

  4. 坚定的三里点(36街)的压力立即以新的能量增强免疫系统。

    Firm pressure on the Three Mile Point ( St36 ) immediately boosts the immune system with renewed energy .

  5. 警方相信“高级纽约”三年里为华尔街银行家提供伴游女郎服务,赚了七百多万美元。

    Authorities believe High Class NY made over seven million dollars in three years providing escorts to Wall Street bankers .