
  • 网络Hong Kong Television;HKTV
  1. 概括了TVB电视剧在中国内地的传播现象,分析了香港电视剧本身的特色,并就这些特色与其在中国内地被广泛传播的关系进行了分析。

    Under the sum-up of characteristics of Hong Kong teleplays , this thesis also makes a deep analysis of its broad transmission in Mainland .

  2. 根据香港电视广播有限公司(TVB)发表的声明,邵逸夫安祥地在香港家中去世,家人们陪伴在旁。

    Shaw died peacefully at his home in Hong Kong , surrounded by his family , his company , Television Broadcasts Limited ( TVB ) , said in a statement .

  3. 1967年,邵逸夫联合创建了TVB——香港电视广播有限公司,TVB是香港主要的免费播放的广播公司,如今也还是香港地区内容生成和人才管理的重要力量。

    Shaw was also founder in 1967 of Television Broadcasts ( TVB ) , Hong Kong 's dominant free-to-air broadcaster and still one of the major forces of content production and talent management in the region .

  4. 从七十年代初期它所制作的电视剧集常年占据着香港电视剧收视率的八成左右,时至今日,TVB的剧集更在内地及海外华人中拥有数目庞大的观众群。

    Since early 1970s , the TV series which TVB manufactured has taken up a portion of 80 % in Hong Kong market . Even until now , the TVB series has a large number of Chinese audience groups both in mainland and overseas .

  5. 这部连续剧是同香港电视台联合制作的。

    This sitcom is produced in cooperation with Hong Kong tv .

  6. 中国古典文学名著的香港电视剧改编研究

    A Study on the Adaptation of Classical Chinese Literature into HongKong Teleplays

  7. 最后是结语,通过前章不同层次的论述,解析香港电视连续剧的总体特征。

    The conclussion , the overall characteristics of Hong Kong TV play series .

  8. 本文是一篇关于香港电视连续剧的文化研究论文。

    This dissertation deals with the topic of Hong Kong TV play series on cultural studies .

  9. 她认为采访者来自香港电视台,尽管并不太确信。

    She believes , but is not certain , the interviewer was from a Hong Kong television station .

  10. 香港电视剧作为中国电视剧发展成熟的一部分,长期以来一直被理论界所忽视。

    Hong Kong dramas which are regarded as one part of Chinese dramas were ignored by theorists for so long .

  11. 香港电视节目生产的资金来源,主要是企业投资或个人投资以及各种合资。

    The funding of Hong Kong TV program production mainly comes from business investment , personal investment and various joint ventures .

  12. 香港电视剧《妙手仁心》主要讲述了发生在香港一家虚构的医院中,医生与护士之间的感情故事。

    The Hong Kong TV series focuses on the loves and romantic relationships of the doctors and nurses at a fictional hospital in Hong Kong .

  13. 第四章从意识形态角度挖掘香港电视连续剧背后透射出的香港视角,包括香港意识、香港身份和香港边界。

    Chapter Four is for the vision of Hong Kong behind these TV play series with the angel of ideology , including the consciousness , the identity and the border of Hong Kong city .

  14. 在香港电视连续剧中广泛存在着江湖母题,香港电视连续剧正是通过江湖这个母题构建了香港人文化认同的基础,以表现生存境遇的图象符号表征出香港社会的现实。

    " Rivers and lakes " is very popular in Hong Kong 's TV series , through which Hong Kong 's TV series establish the base of cultural identity of Hong Kong people in that TV signs of living conditions reflect deeply the social reality .

  15. 斯蒂夫?瞿,索尼公司市场部经理大部分人都希望一台电视机能使用五年以上,所以他们正在准备迎接香港HD电视播放时代的到来。

    STEVE CHU , MARKETING MANAGER , SONY Most people would like to have their TV for more than five years . So really they 're preparing for the HD broadcasting era in Hong Kong .

  16. TVB在声明中表示,邵爵士以无比的精力和视野,带领无线成为香港最大电视台和世界中文电视行业中最有影响力的电视台之一。

    With his vision and energy , he had built the company to become Hong Kong 's premier television station and a world leader in the Chinese-language television industry , TVB said .

  17. 香港TVB电视台曾于1997年和1999年播出电视剧《鉴证实录》第一部和第二部,该剧也涉及法医题材,当时在大陆一度掀起收视热潮。

    In 1997 and 1999 , Hong Kong 's TVB released two seasons of Untraceable Evidence , a show with a similar premise , which became a big success in the mainland .

  18. 香港亚洲电视经典剧集。

    A classic TV drama produced by Hong Kong Asia tv .

  19. 您觉得香港的电视新闻报导有否将新闻的内容完全地报导?

    Do you think that news reporting in Hong Kong review information completely ?

  20. 香港电台电视部总台迁往前佳视大厦,命名电视大厦。

    RTHK TV headquarters moved to former Commercial Television premise and renamed Television House .

  21. 您认为,香港的电视新闻报导在发音,用词,称谓等是否绝对正确?

    Do you think that the pronunciation , words usage and salutation in news reporting in Hong Kong is correct enough ?

  22. 到去年底,香港数字电视的覆盖人口已经扩大到85%,并且将在2012年前覆盖全香港。

    Coverage had been extended to85 percent of the population by the end of last year , and will cover all of Hong Kong by2012 .

  23. 警队又与香港电台电视部联合制作两个电视节目,即分别在本地中、英文台播出的“警讯”。

    The Force has been producing , jointly with RTHK , two TV programmes : Police Magazine and Police Report , which are broadcast on local Chinese and English channels .

  24. 已届101岁高龄的媒体大亨邵逸夫爵士,夏天的时候准备把他旗下的香港无线电视公司出售给一个富有的中国地产开发商。

    Sir Run Run Shaw , a101-year-old media mogul , had hoped to sell his Hong Kong broadcasting company in the summer to a ( briefly ) rich Chinese property developer .

  25. 盛传与香港某电视名人交往的26岁中国明星张馨予——前男友是博比熊在中国的经销商之一——在社交媒体上发了一张与博比熊的照片。

    A 26-year-old Chinese celebrity famous for dating a Hong Kong television personality -- and whose ex-boyfriend is a distributor of Bobbie in China -- posted a photo of herself with the bear on social media . '

  26. 上周,该公司首次获得了香港的免费电视牌照。

    Last week , it was granted its first free-to-air TV licence in the city .

  27. 邵氏兄弟控制着香港主要的电视台,这家影业公司的股价上涨60%,至12.68港元,收于三个月高点。

    Shaw Brothers , the filmmaker that controls the territory 's leading television station , gained 60 per cent to HK $ 12.68 , a three-month closing high .

  28. 从《有报天天读》和《马斌读报》看香港与内地电视读报节目的异同

    From the " Read Newspapers Every Day " and " Ma Bin Read Newspapers " to Analyse the Similarities and Differences in Hong Kong and the Mainland Newspaper-reading-program on TV

  29. 所以,当上周凌晨我在香港坐在电视前观看比赛时,我不必刻意去编织构成生活的那些微不足道的线索。

    So when I sat in Hong Kong at dawn last week watching the game on TV , I didn 't have to try to manufacture the tiny , inconsequential strands that make up a life .

  30. 中国香港、韩国移动电视新体验

    New Experiences of Mobile TV in Hongkong and South Korea